SmartFTP FTP Library
sfFTPLib Library CoClasses
This is class sfFTPLib::AES128CTRReadStream. 
This is class sfFTPLib::AES128CTRWriteStream. 
This is class sfFTPLib::BCryptKey. 
This is class sfFTPLib::CryptoHash. 
This is class sfFTPLib::FileLogger. 
This is class sfFTPLib::FTPClientId. 
This class implements the following interfaces:
This class implements the following interfaces:
This class implements the IFTPFXP interface. 
This class implements the IFTPItem interface. 
This class implements the IFTPItems interface. 
This class implements the IFTPParser interface. 
This class implements the IFTPPortPool interface. 
This is class sfFTPLib::FTPServerId. 
This is class sfFTPLib::FTPServerState. 
This class implements the IGlobal interface. 
This class implements the IGlobalSpeedLimit interface. 
This class implements the IKeyManager interface. 
This is class sfFTPLib::NCryptKey. 
This is class sfFTPLib::OpenSSLKey. 
This is class sfFTPLib::ParserWriteStream. 
This class implements the IProxySettings interface. 
This class implements the ISecurityConnectionInfo interface. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SFTPConnection. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SFTPExtendedCheckFileResult. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SFTPServerState. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SFTPSpaceAvailable. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SFTPStatVFS. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SFTPVendorId. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SSHConnection. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SSHConnectionInfo. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SSHKeyBlobHelper. 
This is class sfFTPLib::SSHServerState. 
This class implements the IUPnPNATManager interface. 
This is class sfFTPLib::Utils. 
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