Right Click Causes SmartFTP To Crash

I found this thread in the archives from some time back...but nothing new in the forums or under support on this one (unless the forum search just doesn't work well):
https://www.smartftp.com/forums/index.p ... ocal-file/

I have both 32bit & 64bit FTP clients in a production environement, both running on their windows 7 version respectivley. On the 32bit client and Windows 7 32bit, we do not have this issue.

However, on my Windows 7 64bit with the 64bit client, this issues is getting on my last nerve. Randomly, but very frequently, when right click on a file in the local browser window causes SmartFTP 64bit to crash. Any help with this issue would be very much appreciated. Does anyone else still have this issue on 64bit client and systems?



Running 4.0.1251.0 Pro Edition...64bit.

The crash is most likely caused by a faulty 3rd party shell extension. You can send us a crash dump and we can take a look at it:
https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/how ... f2594.html

The crash is most likely caused by a faulty 3rd party shell extension. You can send us a crash dump and we can take a look at it:

Thank you for the FAST! reply...I will provide this ASAP.

Was able to reproduce quickly and replied to support email with link to dump files.

Thanks again for the timely reply!