Website not visible

After upgrading to the v2.5.1008, I am now not seeing the website. All I see at these two folders:

10/26/2005 04:27PM Directory tsclient
10/26/2005 04:27PM Directory VNC Viewer

When I use Internet Explorer I see the same two folders. Internet Explorer tells me I can perform the following to view the site: “To view this FTP site in Windows Explorer, click Page, and then click Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer.” When I open the site in Windows Explorer I can see the web files and folders.

I already went to the favorites property dialog and unchecked all checkboxes in Directory Listing options of the FTP->Transfer dialog with not success.

Please help.

Hello ...

Please post the log of your FTP session: ... f2564.html

Are you sure you are in the correct folder on the FTP server?



As I stated previously, all I did was perform the upgrade and now I cannot see the website folders. I see the same two folders using both SmartFTP and Internet Explorer, however Internet Explorer takes it a step farther and advises that to open the website I need to open it using Windows Explorer which works.

Here is the Log:

[08:36:46] SmartFTP v2.5.1008.21
[08:36:47] Resolving host name ""
[08:36:48] Connecting to XX.XX.XXX.XX Port: 21
[08:36:48] Connected to
[08:36:49] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[08:36:49] USER ZZ2
[08:36:49] 331 Password required for ZZ2.
[08:36:49] PASS (hidden)
[08:36:49] 230 User ZZ2 logged in.
[08:36:49] SYST
[08:36:49] 215 Windows_NT
[08:36:50] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[08:36:50] FEAT
[08:36:50] 211-FEAT
[08:36:50] SIZE
[08:36:50] MDTM
[08:36:50] 211 END
[08:36:50] TYPE I
[08:36:50] 200 Type set to I.
[08:36:50] REST 0
[08:36:50] 350 Restarting at 0.
[08:36:50] PWD
[08:36:50] 257 "/ZZ2" is current directory.
[08:36:50] CWD /
[08:36:50] 250 CWD command successful.
[08:36:50] PWD
[08:36:50] 257 "/" is current directory.
[08:36:50] TYPE A
[08:36:50] 200 Type set to A.
[08:36:50] PASV
[08:36:51] 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XX,XXX,XX,66,59).
[08:36:51] Opening data connection to XX.XX.XXX.XX Port: 16955
[08:36:51] LIST
[08:36:51] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[08:36:51] 100 bytes transferred. (1.04 KB/s) (93 ms)
[08:36:51] 226 Transfer complete.
[08:37:21] NOOP
[08:37:21] 200 NOOP command successful.


Hello ..

I'm sorry but I do not understand your question or problem.


I cannot see my wwwroot folder which contains all my website files. I was able to see all the files and folders prior to the upgrade. Currently all I see are these two folders:

VNC Viewer

I can however view all the folders and files using Internet Explorer.

What settings do I need to change to view my wwwroot folder and website files using this upgraded version of SmartFTP?


Please post a screenshot.

Here is the screenshot. I have covered sensitive information with Xs.


Hello ..

It looks like the root folder of the website only contains the 2 sub folders. Are you sure you are connecting to the correct FTP server?
Did you contact your web hosting provider for assistance?


When I use my browser and type in “ftp:/” I also get the same view, however if I click on page, and choose “Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer” I can see and access the files.

Since they are there, how do I access them through SmartFTP? I used SmartFTP to access them prior to upgrading.

Hello ..

The FTP server does not return any other folders than the ones you see in SmartFTP. You may want to contact your web hosting provider for further assistance.


Here is what I see with my browser and with FTP Exploere

As you will see the folders and files are still there. I would call my hosting provider if in fact I could not access the files. Again, I can access the files using Internet Explorer. There must be a setting that needs to be checked to enter the site.



You are accessing a different FTP server or you use a different login.


Since we have not made any troubleshooting progress, I installed the older version of SmartFTP on my laptop. I connected to the same FTP site and provided the same login information. I was able to successfully view all the files. Here is the log file from the laptop. Since I paid for the product I would like to use the most recent version as opposed to the older version.

[18:02:54] SmartFTP v2.5.1006.4
[18:02:54] Resolving host name ""
[18:02:54] Connecting to Port: 21
[18:02:55] Connected to
[18:02:55] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[18:02:55] USER ZZ2
[18:02:55] 331 Password required for ZZ2.
[18:02:55] PASS (hidden)
[18:02:55] 230 User ZZ2 logged in.
[18:02:55] SYST
[18:02:55] 215 Windows_NT
[18:02:55] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[18:02:55] FEAT
[18:02:55] 211-FEAT
[18:02:55] SIZE
[18:02:55] MDTM
[18:02:55] 211 END
[18:02:55] TYPE I
[18:02:55] 200 Type set to I.
[18:02:55] REST 0
[18:02:55] 350 Restarting at 0.
[18:02:55] PWD
[18:02:55] 257 "/ZZ2" is current directory.
[18:02:55] CWD /ZZ2/wwwroot
[18:02:56] 250 CWD command successful.
[18:02:56] PWD
[18:02:56] 257 "/ZZ2/wwwroot" is current directory.
[18:02:56] TYPE A
[18:02:56] 200 Type set to A.
[18:02:56] PASV
[18:02:56] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,61,142,13,64,22).
[18:02:56] Opening data connection to Port: 16406
[18:02:56] LIST -aL
[18:02:56] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[18:02:56] 7508 bytes transferred. (34.9 KB/s) (210 ms)
[18:02:56] 226 Transfer complete.
[18:03:27] NOOP
[18:03:27] 200 NOOP command successful.
[18:03:58] NOOP
[18:03:58] 200 NOOP command successful

If you view the previous log file you will see that I am logging to as I have done in this log file.

It seems that in one version you are changing to the "hidden" /ZZ2 folder. Are you using the same favorite in version 1006 and 1008?
The favorite with the 1006 log seems to have the intial folder set to "/ZZ2/wwwroot" while the one you use in 1008 seems to have the initial folder set to "/"
You can verify the Initial Folder / Path in the favorite settings.


Since this was an upgrade we would assume that the paths were setup correctly, however I tried changing the Initial Folder / Path in the favorite settings to those in older version. I made several changes to the path, closing the program between changes with no success. I just changed the path back to null or “/” with no success; I even tried it with a / and still not success.

Please post the log again after you have changed the initial directory to /ZZ2/wwwroot. You may want to post a screenshot showing the General dialog of the favorite settings as well.


Well I got connected and I probably should have done this from the beginning, I created a new remote client with the same settings and that worked. I did not consider that the upgrade might not carry forward my original settings.
