Transfer Queue for Move and Delete

Would it be possible that when deleting multiple files and moving multiple files, that it use the Transfer Queue? The issue that I am having is that I am forced to move hundreds of files between folders, and due to the slowness of the tool and sheer volume of files, it is taking a very long time. This last time I had to delete around 3 thousand files and this took over an hour to complete. The other problem is that while the delete is running, the tool is completely unusable as it blocks the whole tool rather than just this tab.

Hello ..

This is currently only possible if you manually edit the item in the transfer queue. Right-click on it then select the operation in the properties dialog.

We are taking a look at the unresponsiveness and the slow performance when deleting files.


Thank you very much for the quick response and for looking into the performance issue. On the performance side, it seems that whenever I have one tab which is displaying a very large number of folders in the tree view and is displaying a very large number of files in the file view, that the application slows down quite a bit. On the folder side, I am displaying around 200 folders. On the file side, anything over 100 files generally causes some issues, but for testing purposes to make the problem happen, I would use around 3K files. When the slowness starts, the background "noop" causes the screen to refresh making what I have selected become un-selected.

I am sorry, but I don't understand the properties thing. I am looking at the files in the right hand pane. I select 1 to many files then right click and select "Properties". This creates a dialog box which allows me to change the permissions and view the files properties. How would I use this to delete the files or to move them to another folder?

Hello ..

You can only use the Transfer Queue to delete folders. Stop the Transfer Queue. Then drag&drop the folder you want to delete to any local folder on your computer. The item is added to the transfer queue. Right-click on the new item in the transfer queue. Select Properties from the context menu. Change the operation from Copy to Delete. Start the Transfer Queue.



Please try it again with the latest version:

Delete/Move operations should be significantly faster now (1 minute instead of 10). There is also a new option in the global settings: general->navigation dialog whether the delete operation is handled in the remote browser or the transfer queue. However there are no speed improvements to favor one over the other.
