Auto daily upload of folder contents

Hi all,
How do I automatically upload each day the contents of a folder to a site?
The folder contents will consist of different filenames each day.

Hello ..

Yes this is possible. Take a look at the following documents:

1. Schedule tutorial

2. Schedule kb article ... -f145.html


Thanks Matt.
I'd already looked at the tutorial for scheduling and have now had a pop at it but still a little confused....

I have opened the remote and local folders and have stopped the queue. I then dragged one of the files to the remote folder and right clicked it in the queue and selected properties.
In the properties dialogue I have selected Enable Scedule and Enable Recurrence (daily).
I assume I should then select either Process and Monitor File/Folder or Monitor File/Folder, but which?
Also maybe I should tick the Pause as well but not sure.

The local folder concerned accumulated files during the day and I want the lot uploaded at night in one operation. (They then need to be moved to an archive folder - can SmartFTP help with this too? Or maybe the 2 operations could be linked into a batch file?)


Hello ..

>I assume I should then select either Process and Monitor File/Folder or Monitor File/Folder, but which?
You only need to enable this option if you want that the item is immediately processed if files/folders are added to the folder. But from your post I understand you want to process it every night at a specific time and therefore you don't need to monitor the folder.

>Also maybe I should tick the Pause as well but not sure.
Don't enable the Pause option.

>The local folder concerned accumulated files during the day and I want the lot uploaded at night in one operation. (They then need to be moved to an archive folder - can SmartFTP help with this too? Or maybe the 2 operations could be linked into a batch file?)
You can setup another operation which will move the folder with the files to another folder. But you cannot only move the files inside the folder and leave the folder. To setup the local to local move operation proceed as following:
1. Stop Transfer Queue
2. Enable the Temporary Queue: menu: View->Other Windows->Temporary Queue
3. Drag&Drop the folder from the Local Browser to the Temporary Queue
4. A new item is created in the temporary queue
5. Drag&Drop this new item to the destination local folder
6. The item is moved from the temporary queue to the transfer queue
7. Right-click on the item in the transfer queue to change the operation from Copy to Move
8. Schedule the operation to run after the upload task is completed. You need to set the start time to something like +x hours after the upload task since you cannot chain two operations/tasks together.
