File does not exist, but still asking to overwrite

I'm having an issue where I'm attempting to drag and drop a file into the remote browser and SmartFTP is prompting me with the "copy and replace" dialog. The file in question does not exist on the server (as I've checked with a remote desktop connection), and the "Don't Copy" option lists a file with 0 bytes.

After the file finishes transferring, it restarts the upload process over and over again. Overwriting the existing file.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
Service Pack 1 (Build 6001)

CPU Speed : 2400 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1016.5
Time Stamp : 2008-05-16 10:23:50
Platform : x86
Days in use : 293

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1016.5

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6001.18000

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

[14:48:26] 200 Type set to I
[14:48:26] SIZE State.txt
[14:48:26] 550 File not found
[14:48:26] MDTM State.txt
[14:48:26] 213 16010101000000
[14:48:26] TYPE A
[14:48:27] 200 Type set to A
[14:48:27] PORT 192,168,1,104,192,125
[14:48:27] 200 Port command successful
[14:48:27] LIST -aL
[14:48:27] 150 Opening data channel for directory list.
[14:48:27] 145 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[14:48:27] 226 Transfer ok
[14:48:33] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue.

Transfer Queue
[14:48:36] PASS (hidden)
[14:48:36] 230 Logged on
[14:48:36] SYST
[14:48:36] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:48:36] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:48:36] FEAT
[14:48:36] 211-Extension supported
[14:48:37] CLNT
[14:48:37] AUTH SSL
[14:48:37] PBSZ
[14:48:37] PROT
[14:48:37] SIZE
[14:48:37] SITE PSWD;MSG
[14:48:37] 211 End
[14:48:37] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1016.5
[14:48:37] 200 Noted.
[14:48:37] TYPE I
[14:48:37] 200 Type set to I
[14:48:37] REST 0
[14:48:37] 350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 0.
[14:48:37] PWD
[14:48:37] PORT 192,168,1,104,192,127
[14:48:37] 200 Port command successful
[14:48:37] STOR State.txt
[14:48:38] 150 Data connection accepted; transfer starting.

Hello ..

The main problem is a bug with the server:
[14:48:26] MDTM State.txt
[14:48:26] 213 16010101000000
It tells the client that the file exists because and returns a "valid" date in the MDTM reply.

The transfer queue log is incomplete. Please post the complete one.


[15:04:11] 220 Welcome to WinFtp Server.
[15:04:11] USER phipps
[15:04:11] 331 Password required for phipps
[15:04:11] PASS (hidden)
[15:04:11] 230 Logged on
[15:04:11] SYST
[15:04:11] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:04:11] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:04:11] FEAT
[15:04:11] 211-Extension supported
[15:04:12] CLNT
[15:04:12] AUTH SSL
[15:04:12] PBSZ
[15:04:12] PROT
[15:04:12] SIZE
[15:04:12] SITE PSWD;MSG
[15:04:12] 211 End
[15:04:12] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1016.5
[15:04:12] 200 Noted.
[15:04:12] TYPE I
[15:04:12] 200 Type set to I
[15:04:12] REST 0
[15:04:12] 350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 0.
[15:04:12] PWD
[15:04:12] 257 "/" is current directory.
[15:04:12] CWD /internet/wwwroot/dotNet/SalesTax/database
[15:04:12] 250 CWD command successful. "/internet/wwwroot/dotNet/SalesTax/database" is current directory.
[15:04:12] PWD
[15:04:12] 257 "/internet/wwwroot/dotNet/SalesTax/database" is current directory.
[15:04:12] Remote file exist check: "State.txt".
[15:04:12] SIZE State.txt
[15:04:12] 213 44790229
[15:04:12] MDTM State.txt
[15:04:13] 213 288240804063138
[15:04:13] STAT State.txt
[15:04:13] 500 Unknown command .
[15:04:13] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[15:04:13] TYPE A
[15:04:13] 200 Type set to A
[15:04:13] PORT 192,168,1,104,192,134
[15:04:13] 200 Port command successful
[15:04:13] LIST -aL
[15:04:13] 150 Opening data channel for directory list.
[15:04:13] 208 bytes transferred. (13.5 KB/s) (15 ms)
[15:04:13] 226 Transfer ok
[15:04:13] Source File: Size=44790229, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=1601-01-01T00:00:00, TimeFormat=Exact
[15:04:13] Destination File: Size=44790229, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-05-16T15:03:00, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[15:04:13] RecentTime=2008-05-16T22:04:13
[15:04:13] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[15:04:13] TYPE I
[15:04:13] 200 Type set to I
[15:04:13] PORT 192,168,1,104,192,135
[15:04:13] 200 Port command successful
[15:04:13] STOR State.txt
[15:04:14] 150 Data connection accepted; transfer starting.

The bug is with the WinFtp server. The MDTM reply contains an invalid date.
[15:04:12] MDTM State.txt
[15:04:13] 213 288240804063138

I recommend you to contact the developer of this ftp server software.
My personal recommendation would be to to use an establishes FTP server software (e.g. Gene6, Serv-U etc).


I am having the exact same problem, and all of my other FTP software options (other than SmartFTP) work fine on the same FTP server. In fact, I was using previous versions of SmartFTP with the same exact server without any issues at all.

In addition, if I choose Use Automatic Rules, or Copy and Replace, and then select "do this for all conflicts," it does not hold that selection and I am given the same "There is already a file with the same name in this location." error when I try again.

If I close the remote browser and re-open it, OR if I close SmartFTP and reopen it, and then try to transfer, everything works fine. It only happens after I have transferred once already in the same session.

Please advise ASAP as we have this out on a number of laptops in the field.

Julia Flint

Julia: Please post the complete log from the Transfer Queue item. To get it double click the item and copy&patse the log from there.

Make sure you have the latest version of SmartFTP installed:

I downloaded and installed the software this morning, but I just did it again (uninstalled it first) right now to be sure. Same problem.

Sorry -- I can't see where/how to create the log.


Please look at this article. Please send both logs. ... f2564.html

Remote Browser Log:

[11:22:24] SmartFTP v3.0.1016.13
[11:22:25] Resolving host name ""
[11:22:25] Connecting to Port: 21
[11:22:25] Connected to
[11:22:25] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.3)
[11:22:25] USER democdco
[11:22:25] 331 Please specify the password.
[11:22:25] PASS (hidden)
[11:22:25] 230 Login successful.
[11:22:25] SYST
[11:22:25] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[11:22:25] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[11:22:25] FEAT
[11:22:25] 211-Features:
[11:22:26] AUTH SSL
[11:22:26] AUTH TLS
[11:22:26] EPRT
[11:22:26] EPSV
[11:22:26] MDTM
[11:22:26] PASV
[11:22:26] PBSZ
[11:22:26] PROT
[11:22:26] REST STREAM
[11:22:26] SIZE
[11:22:26] TVFS
[11:22:26] 211 End
[11:22:26] PWD
[11:22:26] 257 "/"
[11:22:26] TYPE A
[11:22:26] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[11:22:26] PASV
[11:22:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (
[11:22:26] Opening data connection to Port: 30046
[11:22:26] LIST -aL
[11:22:27] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[11:22:27] 1095 bytes transferred. (11.4 KB/s) (93 ms)
[11:22:27] 226 Directory send OK.
[11:22:57] NOOP
[11:22:57] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:23:27] NOOP
[11:23:27] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:23:57] NOOP
[11:23:57] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:24:27] NOOP
[11:24:27] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:24:58] NOOP
[11:24:58] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:25:28] NOOP
[11:25:28] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:25:58] NOOP
[11:25:58] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:26:28] NOOP
[11:26:28] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:26:58] NOOP
[11:26:58] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:27:28] NOOP
[11:27:28] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:27:59] NOOP
[11:27:59] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:28:29] NOOP
[11:28:29] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:28:59] NOOP
[11:28:59] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:29:29] NOOP
[11:29:29] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:29:59] NOOP
[11:29:59] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:30:02] TYPE I
[11:30:02] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[11:30:02] SIZE
[11:30:02] 550 Could not get file size.
[11:30:02] MDTM
[11:30:02] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[11:30:02] STAT
[11:30:02] 213-Status follows:
[11:30:02] 213 End of status
[11:30:02] CWD /
[11:30:02] 550 Failed to change directory.
[11:30:02] TYPE A
[11:30:02] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[11:30:02] PASV
[11:30:02] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xx,xxx,120,14)
[11:30:02] Opening data connection to Port: 30734
[11:30:02] LIST -aL
[11:30:02] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[11:30:02] 1095 bytes transferred. (34.4 KB/s) (31 ms)
[11:30:03] 226 Directory send OK.
[11:30:03] TYPE I
[11:30:03] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[11:30:03] SIZE
[11:30:03] 550 Could not get file size.
[11:30:03] MDTM
[11:30:03] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[11:30:03] STAT
[11:30:03] 213-Status follows:
[11:30:03] 213 End of status
[11:30:03] CWD /
[11:30:03] 550 Failed to change directory.
[11:30:03] TYPE A
[11:30:03] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[11:30:03] PASV
[11:30:03] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xx,xxx,117,114)
[11:30:03] Opening data connection to Port: 30066
[11:30:03] LIST -aL
[11:30:03] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[11:30:03] 1095 bytes transferred. (13.7 KB/s) (78 ms)
[11:30:03] 226 Directory send OK.
[11:30:03] TYPE I
[11:30:03] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[11:30:03] SIZE
[11:30:03] 550 Could not get file size.
[11:30:03] MDTM
[11:30:03] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[11:30:03] STAT
[11:30:03] 213-Status follows:
[11:30:03] 213 End of status
[11:30:03] CWD /
[11:30:03] 550 Failed to change directory.
[11:30:04] TYPE A
[11:30:04] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[11:30:04] PASV
[11:30:04] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xx,xxx,118,11)
[11:30:04] Opening data connection to Port: 30219
[11:30:04] LIST -aL
[11:30:04] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[11:30:04] 1095 bytes transferred. (34.4 KB/s) (31 ms)
[11:30:04] 226 Directory send OK.
[11:30:04] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[11:30:34] NOOP
[11:30:34] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:30:54] MDTM
[11:30:54] 213 20080529091641
[11:30:54] STAT
[11:30:55] 213-Status follows:
[11:30:55] -rwxrwxr-x 1 1007 100 4731045 May 29 09:16
[11:30:55] 213 End of status
[11:31:25] NOOP
[11:31:25] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:31:56] NOOP
[11:31:56] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:32:26] NOOP
[11:32:26] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:32:33] MDTM
[11:32:33] 213 20080529092301
[11:32:33] STAT
[11:32:33] 213-Status follows:
[11:32:33] -rwxrwxr-x 1 1007 100 9753077 May 29 09:23
[11:32:33] 213 End of status
[11:32:49] MDTM
[11:32:49] 213 20080529092353
[11:32:49] STAT
[11:32:49] 213-Status follows:
[11:32:50] -rwxrwxr-x 1 1007 100 1394621 May 29 09:23
[11:32:50] 213 End of status
[11:33:20] NOOP
[11:33:20] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:33:50] NOOP
[11:33:50] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:34:20] NOOP
[11:34:20] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:34:50] NOOP
[11:34:50] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:35:21] NOOP
[11:35:21] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:35:51] NOOP
[11:35:51] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:36:16] TYPE I
[11:36:17] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[11:36:17] SIZE
[11:36:17] 550 Could not get file size.
[11:36:17] MDTM
[11:36:17] 213 20080529092353
[11:36:17] STAT
[11:36:17] 213-Status follows:
[11:36:17] 213 End of status
[11:36:17] CWD /
[11:36:17] 550 Failed to change directory.
[11:36:17] TYPE A
[11:36:17] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[11:36:17] PASV
[11:36:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xx,xxx,120,180)
[11:36:17] Opening data connection to Port: 30900
[11:36:17] LIST -aL
[11:36:17] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[11:36:17] 1403 bytes transferred. (22.0 KB/s) (62 ms)
[11:36:18] 226 Directory send OK.
[11:36:24] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[11:36:54] NOOP
[11:36:55] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:37:25] NOOP
[11:37:25] 200 NOOP ok.
[11:37:26] MDTM
[11:37:26] 213 20080529103031
[11:37:26] STAT
[11:37:26] 213-Status follows:
[11:37:26] -rwxrwxr-x 1 1007 100 5617631 May 29 10:30
[11:37:26] 213 End of status
[11:37:56] NOOP
[11:37:56] 200 NOOP ok.

Transfer Queue Log:
[11:42:54] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.9.13.
[11:42:54] Resolving host name ""
[11:42:54] Connecting to Port: 21
[11:42:54] Connected to
[11:42:54] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.3)
[11:42:54] USER democdco
[11:42:54] 331 Please specify the password.
[11:42:54] PASS (hidden)
[11:42:54] 230 Login successful.
[11:42:54] SYST
[11:42:54] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[11:42:54] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[11:42:54] FEAT
[11:42:54] 211-Features:
[11:42:54] AUTH SSL
[11:42:54] AUTH TLS
[11:42:54] EPRT
[11:42:54] EPSV
[11:42:54] MDTM
[11:42:54] PASV
[11:42:54] PBSZ
[11:42:54] PROT
[11:42:54] REST STREAM
[11:42:54] SIZE
[11:42:54] TVFS
[11:42:54] 211 End
[11:42:54] PWD
[11:42:54] 257 "/"
[11:42:54] Remote file exist check: "".
[11:42:54] TYPE I
[11:42:54] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[11:42:54] SIZE
[11:42:54] 550 Could not get file size.
[11:42:54] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[11:42:54] PASV
[11:42:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (,69)
[11:42:54] Opening data connection to Port: 30533
[11:42:54] STOR
[11:42:54] 150 Ok to send data.
[11:43:12] 1495817 bytes transferred. (80.1 KB/s) (00:00:18)
[11:43:12] 226 File receive OK.
[11:43:12] MDTM 20080529182527
[11:43:13] 213 File modification time set.
[11:43:13] SIZE
[11:43:13] 213 1495817

Juli: I see no error in the log. What makes you think the transfer was not successful? To me it looks like the file has been successfully transferred.

The only way I could get the dialog box to go away was to tell it to override, so, yes, the file was transferred.

However, I can't do this each and every time I upload a file. It's ridiculous. None of the "automatic" settings are holding -- I have to deal with this dialog box every time I upload files.

I have gone back to an older version for now. Please let me know when you have completely addressed/fixed this problem.


You can set the file exist action to "Use Automatic Rules" in the favorite settings. Transfer->File Exist dialog. Then no dialog is displayed anymore.


bugmenot: You can set the default action to "Use Automatic Rules" then the dialog does no longer display. To change the favorite setting proceed as following:
1. Menu: Favorites->Edit Favorites
2. Locate your favorite (check Quick Connect folder)
3. Right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu
4. Go to the Transfer->File Exist dialog
5. Set the first option to "Use Automatic Rules"
6. Click OK to save everything


bugmenot: You can set the default action to "Use Automatic Rules" then the dialog does no longer display.

Sorry to say, but that does not work (it is the first thing I tried).

I have gone back to an old version of the program for now.


Could you please more specific about what is not working?

Also please install the latest version of SmartFTP:


Sorry to say, but that does not work (it is the first thing I tried).

I have gone back to an old version of the program for now.

Even if this did work, then whenever there was actually a file that existed, it would be auto-overwritten - this is not an option, it is dangerous.

No this is not true. If you use the "Use Automatic Rules" only the older files will be overwritten. The same files will be skipped.


Yes now you click on "Use Automatic Rules" and check the [x] Do this for all conflicts checkbox. If you want that SmartFTP does this automatically everytime you have to change the file exist settings in the favorite settings.


I followed your instructions and yes, the dialog dosn't show up anymore... ever. I transferred a file, renamed a different file to match its name, and then transfered that and it automatically overwrote it.

Re: Julia Flint's problem, vsftpd < v2.0.4 returns incorrect results for MDTM on a non-existent file (vsftpd changelog).

I believe vsftpd v2.0.1 is included with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL 4).