Remote Edit Issue

I have remote edit set to use an external editor.

I also then have SmartFTP set to "automatically upload changed file".

The problem is... the dialog box that I selected "automatically upload changed file" never goes away. Why does that box still sit there when I have automatic selected? I would think with "manual" it would stay there and wait for you to select "upload"... but even with automatic selected that box stays there.

Ideally, when I click "edit", the external editor should pop up with no box of any kind from SmartFTP... and then when file is saved in the editor it would be uploaded by SmartFTP automatically. This is the behavior I have experienced with other ftp clients.

So, have I got something set wrong or is this the way it works? This is very slow and poor to have to deal with that box upon every edit and will make me not purchase this otherwise good looking program.

Can someone help?


Hello ..

We have implemented an alternative "Remote Edit" function which should do what you are looking for. To use it you need to have the latest version of version 2.5 installed. Then go to the menu: Tools->Settings. Then in the Navigation dialog set the default drag&drop operation to "Queue". Now connect to the remote server and use the Edit function as usual. The file will now be downloaded through the Transfer Queue and no popup window will be displayed. After the file has been downloaded the editor will be started automatically. If the Transfer Queue is not started yet you have to start it.

If this sounds too complicated you can try the beta build of version 3. It does everything explained above by default. You can download it from:

Please let me know if you should have any problems.


Hello ..

Version 3.0 displays an info bar at the top of the Remote Browser if the Transfer Queue is not started yet. You only have to start the Transfer Queue once.

It's recommended to uninstall version 2.5 first before you install version 3.0. No favorites/sites or other settings will be lost.


Transfer que apparently was started already so it all worked great.

Now, why when I upload a file or directory does the remote pane not refresh itself and show the new uploaded or changed items?

I have "cache" turned off so I would assume then that it would refresh itself?

Hello ..

Version 3.0 displays an info bar at the top of the Remote Browser if the Transfer Queue is not started yet. You only have to start the Transfer Queue once.

It's recommended to uninstall version 2.5 first before you install version 3.0. No favorites/sites or other settings will be lost.


Hello ..

Version 3.0 should automatically update the remote browser window. Could you please post the "System Information" which you can find in the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog?

Thank you

Here you go... problem?

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 1381 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 2.5.1008.40
Time Stamp : 2008-02-13 19:44:35
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
SmartHook.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 2.5.1008.40

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Hello ..

Version 3.0 should automatically update the remote browser window. Could you please post the "System Information" which you can find in the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog?

Thank you

The feature is implemented in version 3.0 only. Version 2.5 does not (and will never) have this feature.

I have installed version 3 beta and now am having terrible problems with the remote pane refreshing.

If I upload a file, the log area states

[14:48:04] LIST -aL
[14:48:04] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[14:48:04] 1628 bytes transferred. (27.8 KB/s) (57 ms)
[14:48:04] 226 Transfer complete
[14:48:15] TYPE I
[14:48:15] 200 Type set to I
[14:48:15] SIZE Book4.xlsx
[14:48:15] 550 Book4.xlsx: No such file or directory
[14:48:15] CWD /var/www/html/Book4.xlsx
[14:48:15] 550 /var/www/html/Book4.xlsx: No such file or directory

The remote pane kind of freezes and the toolbar is greyed out except ABORT redX button. I cannot click on any other buttons to edit the file or anything.
It did not convert to lowercase the filename either as it should have.
It lists the file size as 0 instead of the correct file size and shows no permissions.

If I exit the prog and restart, it shows the file there, that it did lowercase the name, and the file info is correct.

So it appears for some reason it is not refreshing correctly.

Here is info

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1010.5
Time Stamp : 2008-03-06 05:01:41
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1010.5

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

The feature is implemented in version 3.0 only. Version 2.5 does not (and will never) have this feature.

I don't really understand what is not working. Could you please be more specific about the problem? Can you post a screenshot?

Also please install the latest version we have just released:


The refresh of the remote pane is not working correctly. The uploaded file appears in the remote pane... however, the file size is zero, the permissions and other file info is not there.... The log area also states file not found as you can see in screenshot. File also appears to not be converted to lowercase as directed.

If I exit program and reload... it show file was uploaded correctly and all info is there.

But right after upload of smartftp.gif it, as you can see in the remote pane is not displaying correctly. smartftp.gif in the remote pane sits with zero bytes and no file info.


Thanks that explains it better.

>Errors in the log
You can ignore them. These are just checks from SmartFTP whether the file already exists on the server.

>Not all info displayed
The size should be displayed correctly. The date/time should be displayed as well but they are an approximation. The owner/group and permissions attributes can only be retrieved by manually refreshing the directory. We plan to implement a new feature which more accurately gets the information afer the transfer has been completed.

The selected file seems to be in lowercase. Did you mean another transfer?


Yes I meant another transfer actually. It does lowercase the file, but because the file info is not correct it still looks upper case until refreshed I guess.

It appears when I use cuteftp, or ws_ftp... they both actually send a list command and refresh the directory immediately following upload, delete, or change.

Smartftp is not set to do that? I thought you said it would refresh automatically in version beta 3?

Here is log of file delete in cuteftp

STATUS:> [3/6/2008 4:29:08 PM] Directory listing completed.
COMMAND:> [3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] DELE captchasdotnet.php
[3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] 250 DELE command successful
STATUS:> [3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] Getting listing "/var/www/html"...
COMMAND:> [3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] PORT 192,168,1,152,195,55
[3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] 200 PORT command successful
COMMAND:> [3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] LIST -a
[3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] 226 Transfer complete
STATUS:> [3/6/2008 4:29:21 PM] Directory listing completed.

Wouldnt it work to send a list command after a transfer or delete to refresh?

It doesn't make much sense to refresh the directory after every transfer. It works for one file but when uploading 10 files you cannot refresh the folder every time a file transfers. When deleting files a directory refresh is not necessary because it's enough to remove the deleted files from the list in the view. The same applies to any other file operation: instead of reloading the complete directory the list view should only be updated accordingly. This actually works very well in SmartFTP v3.0 but in your situation the file size and date/time is not correctly updated. If you can provide the log from the Transfer Queue item (double click the item before you start the transfer queue) it may help us to figure out why this is the case.

As I wrote in my previous reply we will improve the update after a file has been transferred. The result of this is that the file size and time will always be accurate and if you use a server which supports MLST the owner/group and permissions will be correct as well.


I'm unclear with what you want me to do.

Do I need to have logging enabled?

Am I doing this to upload or download?

Can you explain in detail what you need me to do?

mb, can you explain this please?

"If you can provide the log from the Transfer Queue item (double click the item before you start the transfer queue) it may help us to figure out why this is the case."

Please take a look here: ... f2564.html

2nd paragraph "From Transfer Queue"

[16:34:27] Resolving host name ""
[16:34:27] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:34:27] Connected to
[16:34:27] 220 FTP Server ready.
[16:34:27] USER theblade
[16:34:27] 331 Password required for theblade
[16:34:27] PASS (hidden)
[16:34:27] 230 User theblade logged in.
[16:34:27] SYST
[16:34:27] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:34:27] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:34:27] FEAT
[16:34:27] 211-Features:
[16:34:27] MDTM
[16:34:27] REST STREAM
[16:34:27] SIZE
[16:34:27] 211 End
[16:34:27] PWD
[16:34:27] 257 "/" is the current directory
[16:34:27] CWD /var/www/html
[16:34:27] 250 CWD command successful
[16:34:27] PWD
[16:34:27] 257 "/var/www/html" is the current directory
[16:34:27] Remote file exist check: "case gr70206 5.jpg".
[16:34:27] TYPE I
[16:34:27] 200 Type set to I
[16:34:27] SIZE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:27] 550 case gr70206 5.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:34:27] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[16:34:27] PASV
[16:34:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,155,158).
[16:34:27] Opening data connection to Port: 39838
[16:34:27] STOR case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:27] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:28] 91570 bytes transferred. (580 KB/s) (154 ms)
[16:34:28] 226 Transfer complete
[16:34:28] MDTM 20080303210808 case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:28] 550 20080303210808 case gr70206 5.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:34:28] MFMT 20080303210808 case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:28] 500 MFMT not understood
[16:34:28] SITE UTIME case gr70206 5.jpg 20080303210808 20080303210808 20080303210808 UTC
[16:34:28] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:34:28] SITE UTIME 20080303210808 case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:28] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:34:28] SIZE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:34:28] 213 91570

Please install the latest version from:

It should better update the file information in the view after the transfer.


No change!

Here is the log info again.

I believe this may be an issue as I am using proftpd server? and it was not compiled with the module to handle UTIME? Altho I don't know what MFMT is and I see it's not understanding that either.

I have cuteftp and ws_ftp both loaded as well, and they both update correctly... so I'm not sure what is specific to your program that is causing it to not work.

Again, the log info is below.... can we continue to work on getting this to work please?

[12:54:39] Opening data connection to Port: 59904
[12:54:39] STOR case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 106595 bytes transferred. (929 KB/s) (112 ms)
[12:54:39] 226 Transfer complete
[12:54:39] MDTM 20080303210808 case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 550 20080303210808 case gr70206 1.jpg: No such file or directory
[12:54:39] MFMT 20080303210808 case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 500 MFMT not understood
[12:54:39] SITE UTIME case gr70206 1.jpg 20080303210808 20080303210808 20080303210808 UTC
[12:54:39] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[12:54:39] SITE UTIME 20080303210808 case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[12:54:39] SIZE case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 213 106595

Hello ..

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog.
And please also post the log from the Remote Browser window after the transfer completed in the queue.

I tried to explain to you before why SmartFTP does what it does but it seems I wasn't able to explain it good enough.

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1010.7
Time Stamp : 2008-03-08 11:42:52
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1010.7

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

[12:54:38] TYPE I
[12:54:38] 200 Type set to I
[12:54:38] SIZE case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:38] 550 case gr70206 1.jpg: No such file or directory
[12:54:38] CWD /var/www/html/case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:38] 550 /var/www/html/case gr70206 1.jpg: No such file or directory
[12:54:39] SIZE case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 213 106595
[12:54:39] MDTM case gr70206 1.jpg
[12:54:39] 213 20080308175502

From the log I can see that the size and time from the transferred file have been retrieved. Therefore the file should have been updated with this information in the remote browser view. Isn't this the case?

The newest version we have just released should also update the owner/group and permissions if your server supports the STAT command. You can get it from:


I have installed that version.

Yes it updates it......

but the only way to see that is if you refresh the remote browser manually. The browser refreshes automatically to show the uploaded file, but no info for it. File size is zero etc etc etc.

Immediately following upload, it still appears as it does in the screen capture I upload several replys ago. The info to me viewing the remote pane does not update. I have to hit refresh to see the file size, date/time, and owner info.

I dont think this is an issue of whether it is working or not. It is an issue of the remote pane not displaying the file information for me without a manual refresh. Again, please view my screencap and you'll see the file is there........ but no info is "displayed" for it.

Contrary to your findings it updates the file in the view on all our test systems. Can you post a new screenshot showing the remote browser (with the log and the size/mdtm/stat commands) and the file that is not being updated. Do you the file name conversion (lower/uppercase) enabled? There must be a bug why the view is not updated in your case.

Please post the system information, log of remote browser after each new program update.

I have now tried with both "lowercase conversion" and "leave as is", both produce same result... no file info.

[16:11:17] SmartFTP v3.0.1010.7
[16:11:18] Resolving host name ""
[16:11:18] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:11:18] Connected to
[16:11:18] 220 FTP Server ready.
[16:11:18] USER theblade
[16:11:18] 331 Password required for theblade
[16:11:18] PASS (hidden)
[16:11:18] 230 User theblade logged in.
[16:11:18] SYST
[16:11:18] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:11:18] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:11:18] FEAT
[16:11:18] 211-Features:
[16:11:18] MDTM
[16:11:18] REST STREAM
[16:11:18] SIZE
[16:11:18] 211 End
[16:11:18] PWD
[16:11:18] 257 "/" is the current directory
[16:11:18] CWD /var/www/html
[16:11:18] 250 CWD command successful
[16:11:18] PWD
[16:11:18] 257 "/var/www/html" is the current directory
[16:11:18] TYPE A
[16:11:18] 200 Type set to A
[16:11:18] PASV
[16:11:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,153,212).
[16:11:19] Opening data connection to Port: 39380
[16:11:19] LIST -aL
[16:11:19] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[16:11:19] 1703 bytes transferred. (18.6 KB/s) (89 ms)
[16:11:19] 226 Transfer complete
[16:11:28] DELE case gr70206 1.jpg
[16:11:28] 250 DELE command successful
[16:11:40] TYPE I
[16:11:40] 200 Type set to I
[16:11:40] SIZE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:40] 550 case gr70206 5.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:11:40] CWD /var/www/html/case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:40] 550 /var/www/html/case gr70206 5.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:11:41] SIZE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:41] 213 91570
[16:11:41] MDTM case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:41] 213 20080308211205
[16:11:54] TYPE A
[16:11:54] 200 Type set to A
[16:11:54] PASV
[16:11:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,153,250).
[16:11:54] Opening data connection to Port: 39418
[16:11:54] LIST -aL
[16:11:54] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[16:11:54] 1703 bytes transferred. (29.1 KB/s) (57 ms)
[16:11:54] 226 Transfer complete
[16:12:04] DELE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:12:04] 250 DELE command successful
[16:12:09] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[16:12:09] 250 CWD command successful
[16:12:09] PWD
[16:12:09] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[16:12:10] PASV
[16:12:10] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,154,3).
[16:12:10] Opening data connection to Port: 39427
[16:12:10] LIST -aL
[16:12:10] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[16:12:10] 2560 bytes transferred. (45.4 KB/s) (55 ms)
[16:12:10] 226 Transfer complete
[16:13:32] TYPE I
[16:13:32] 200 Type set to I
[16:13:32] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:32] 550 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:32] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:32] 550 /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 213 62144
[16:13:33] MDTM case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 213 20080308211356
[16:17:09] 421 No transfer timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection
[16:17:09] Server closed connection

[16:13:32] Resolving host name ""
[16:13:32] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:13:32] Connected to
[16:13:32] 220 FTP Server ready.
[16:13:32] USER theblade
[16:13:32] 331 Password required for theblade
[16:13:32] PASS (hidden)
[16:13:32] 230 User theblade logged in.
[16:13:32] SYST
[16:13:32] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:13:32] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:13:32] FEAT
[16:13:32] 211-Features:
[16:13:32] MDTM
[16:13:32] REST STREAM
[16:13:32] SIZE
[16:13:33] 211 End
[16:13:33] PWD
[16:13:33] 257 "/" is the current directory
[16:13:33] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[16:13:33] 250 CWD command successful
[16:13:33] PWD
[16:13:33] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[16:13:33] Remote file exist check: "case gr70206 3.jpg".
[16:13:33] TYPE I
[16:13:33] 200 Type set to I
[16:13:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 550 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:33] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[16:13:33] PASV
[16:13:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,154,35).
[16:13:33] Opening data connection to Port: 39459
[16:13:33] STOR case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 62144 bytes transferred. (689 KB/s) (88 ms)
[16:13:33] 226 Transfer complete
[16:13:33] MDTM 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 550 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:33] MFMT 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 500 MFMT not understood
[16:13:33] SITE UTIME case gr70206 3.jpg 20080303210808 20080303210808 20080303210808 UTC
[16:13:33] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:13:33] SITE UTIME 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:13:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 213 62144

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1010.7
Time Stamp : 2008-03-08 11:42:52
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1010.7

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2


The newest version I was referring before is 3.0.1010.8

It seems you are using 3.0.1010.7

Could you please update and try again?


We are getting closer. The file size did update correctly in the pane. Permissions, owner, group did not.

[17:08:33] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[17:08:33] Remote file exist check: "case gr70206 3.jpg".
[17:08:33] TYPE I
[17:08:33] 200 Type set to I
[17:08:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 550 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[17:08:33] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[17:08:33] PASV
[17:08:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,160,151).
[17:08:33] Opening data connection to Port: 41111
[17:08:33] STOR case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 62144 bytes transferred. (1.31 MB/s) (45 ms)
[17:08:33] 226 Transfer complete
[17:08:33] MDTM 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 550 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[17:08:33] MFMT 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 500 MFMT not understood
[17:08:33] SITE UTIME case gr70206 3.jpg 20080303210808 20080303210808 20080303210808 UTC
[17:08:33] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[17:08:33] SITE UTIME 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[17:08:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 213 62144

[17:08:06] SmartFTP v3.0.1010.8
[17:08:07] Resolving host name ""
[17:08:07] Connecting to Port: 21
[17:08:07] Connected to
[17:08:07] 220 FTP Server ready.
[17:08:07] USER theblade
[17:08:07] 331 Password required for theblade
[17:08:07] PASS (hidden)
[17:08:07] 230 User theblade logged in.
[17:08:07] SYST
[17:08:07] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:08:07] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:08:07] FEAT
[17:08:07] 211-Features:
[17:08:07] MDTM
[17:08:07] REST STREAM
[17:08:07] SIZE
[17:08:07] 211 End
[17:08:07] PWD
[17:08:07] 257 "/" is the current directory
[17:08:07] CWD /var/www/html
[17:08:07] 250 CWD command successful
[17:08:07] PWD
[17:08:07] 257 "/var/www/html" is the current directory
[17:08:07] TYPE A
[17:08:07] 200 Type set to A
[17:08:07] PASV
[17:08:07] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,160,124).
[17:08:07] Opening data connection to Port: 41084
[17:08:07] LIST -aL
[17:08:07] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[17:08:07] 1628 bytes transferred. (16.2 KB/s) (98 ms)
[17:08:08] 226 Transfer complete
[17:08:14] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[17:08:14] 250 CWD command successful
[17:08:14] PWD
[17:08:14] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[17:08:14] PASV
[17:08:14] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,160,132).
[17:08:14] Opening data connection to Port: 41092
[17:08:14] LIST -aL
[17:08:14] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[17:08:14] 2635 bytes transferred. (42.8 KB/s) (60 ms)
[17:08:14] 226 Transfer complete
[17:08:23] DELE case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:23] 250 DELE command successful
[17:08:32] TYPE I
[17:08:32] 200 Type set to I
[17:08:32] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:32] 550 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[17:08:32] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:32] 550 /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[17:08:33] STAT case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:33] 211-Status of case gr70206 3.jpg:
[17:08:34] 211--rw-r--r-- 1 theblade theblade 62144 Mar 8 17:08 case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:34] 211 End of status
[17:08:34] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:34] 213 62144
[17:08:34] MDTM case gr70206 3.jpg
[17:08:34] 213 20080308220858

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1010.8
Time Stamp : 2008-03-08 14:58:44
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1010.8

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2


I spoke too soon. It appears on first upload nothing is updated.

If I upload again right way, the size does update, the rest does not.

Thats why there are two results in the transfer que area.

I fooled myself...and got excited.

Hello ..

The latest version (.10) contains a workaround for the buggy STAT reply from the server. It means SmartFTP is now able to parse the STAT reply and use the user/group and permissions information to update the view accordingly.
However since we are unable to reproduce the problems you are having there were no other fixes related to your problem. You may want to do some more testing to see if the problem does only happen in one specific situation or all the time. e.g. upload a file (without using Remote Edit) and see if the view updates during the transfer and at the end of it. Try this with a different server as well.


I loaded .10 and have the same problem, no change.

I tried uppercase, lowercase, preserve case and no luck.

What else would you suggest that I try to see if it works?

A few ideas:
- Try it on another computer if you have one available
- Try it with a different server
- Try it when running under SmartFTP under an administrator account
- Try it when UAC is disabled

In .10 is the STAT still follwed by a MDTM/SIZE combo?


"In .10 is the STAT still followed by a MDTM/SIZE combo?" I don't think so, altho I'm not sure what I am looking at.

Here are both logs for you to see:

Transfer Que

[14:14:23] Resolving host name ""
[14:14:23] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:14:23] Connected to
[14:14:23] 220 FTP Server ready.
[14:14:23] USER theblade
[14:14:23] 331 Password required for theblade
[14:14:23] PASS (hidden)
[14:14:23] 230 User theblade logged in.
[14:14:23] SYST
[14:14:23] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:14:23] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:14:23] FEAT
[14:14:23] 211-Features:
[14:14:23] MDTM
[14:14:23] REST STREAM
[14:14:23] SIZE
[14:14:23] 211 End
[14:14:23] PWD
[14:14:23] 257 "/" is the current directory
[14:14:23] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[14:14:23] 250 CWD command successful
[14:14:23] PWD
[14:14:23] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[14:14:23] Remote file exist check: "case gr70206 4.jpg".
[14:14:23] TYPE I
[14:14:23] 200 Type set to I
[14:14:23] SIZE case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 550 case gr70206 4.jpg: No such file or directory
[14:14:23] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[14:14:23] PASV
[14:14:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,132,165).
[14:14:23] Opening data connection to Port: 33957
[14:14:23] STOR case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 138105 bytes transferred. (1.68 MB/s) (78 ms)
[14:14:23] 226 Transfer complete
[14:14:23] MDTM 20080303210808 case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 550 20080303210808 case gr70206 4.jpg: No such file or directory
[14:14:23] MFMT 20080303210808 case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 500 MFMT not understood
[14:14:23] SITE UTIME case gr70206 4.jpg 20080303210808 20080303210808 20080303210808 UTC
[14:14:23] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[14:14:23] SITE UTIME 20080303210808 case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[14:14:23] SIZE case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 213 138105

Regular log

[14:11:05] SmartFTP v3.0.1010.10
[14:11:06] Resolving host name ""
[14:11:06] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:11:06] Connected to
[14:11:06] 220 FTP Server ready.
[14:11:06] USER theblade
[14:11:06] 331 Password required for theblade
[14:11:06] PASS (hidden)
[14:11:06] 230 User theblade logged in.
[14:11:06] SYST
[14:11:06] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:11:06] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:11:06] FEAT
[14:11:06] 211-Features:
[14:11:06] MDTM
[14:11:06] REST STREAM
[14:11:06] SIZE
[14:11:06] 211 End
[14:11:06] PWD
[14:11:06] 257 "/" is the current directory
[14:11:06] CWD /var/www/html
[14:11:06] 250 CWD command successful
[14:11:06] PWD
[14:11:06] 257 "/var/www/html" is the current directory
[14:11:06] TYPE A
[14:11:07] 200 Type set to A
[14:11:07] PASV
[14:11:07] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,132,81).
[14:11:07] Opening data connection to Port: 33873
[14:11:07] LIST -aL
[14:11:07] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[14:11:07] 1628 bytes transferred. (33.8 KB/s) (47 ms)
[14:11:07] 226 Transfer complete
[14:13:35] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[14:13:35] 250 CWD command successful
[14:13:35] PWD
[14:13:35] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[14:13:35] PASV
[14:13:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,132,132).
[14:13:35] Opening data connection to Port: 33924
[14:13:35] LIST -aL
[14:13:35] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[14:13:35] 2560 bytes transferred. (43.8 KB/s) (57 ms)
[14:13:35] 226 Transfer complete
[14:14:22] TYPE I
[14:14:22] 200 Type set to I
[14:14:22] SIZE case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:22] 550 case gr70206 4.jpg: No such file or directory
[14:14:22] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:22] 550 /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 4.jpg: No such file or directory
[14:14:23] STAT case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:23] 211-Status of case gr70206 4.jpg:
[14:14:24] 211--rw-r--r-- 1 theblade theblade 138105 Mar 9 13:14 case gr70206 4.jpg
[14:14:24] 211 End of status

Let me know what you see...

In the release window log the STAT is not followed by a MDTM/SIZE command. This means SmartFTP is now able to correctly parse the STAT reply.

I'm able to reproduce the bug now. Looking into it.

Geez... I had about given up trying to figure it out!

Let me know when you have something for me to try.


Please try it with the latest version (.13):

I was no longer able to reproduce it after the changes I made.


Alright, I'll give it a try.

BTW, when uninstalling it always tells me I need to reboot. Is that so for sure or can that step (reboot) be eliminated to install the new version each time?


You need to reboot if you are advised to do so.

worked once, then didnt work

it also seems remote edit doesnt work with this edition either

Here are the logs

[16:22:13] Resolving host name ""
[16:22:13] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:22:13] Connected to
[16:22:13] 220 FTP Server ready.
[16:22:13] USER theblade
[16:22:13] 331 Password required for theblade
[16:22:13] PASS (hidden)
[16:22:13] 230 User theblade logged in.
[16:22:13] SYST
[16:22:13] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:22:13] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:22:13] FEAT
[16:22:13] 211-Features:
[16:22:13] MDTM
[16:22:13] REST STREAM
[16:22:13] SIZE
[16:22:13] 211 End
[16:22:13] PWD
[16:22:13] 257 "/" is the current directory
[16:22:13] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[16:22:13] 250 CWD command successful
[16:22:13] PWD
[16:22:13] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[16:22:13] Remote file exist check: "book1.xlsx".
[16:22:13] TYPE I
[16:22:13] 200 Type set to I
[16:22:13] SIZE book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 550 book1.xlsx: No such file or directory
[16:22:13] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[16:22:13] PASV
[16:22:13] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,190,251).
[16:22:13] Opening data connection to Port: 48891
[16:22:13] STOR book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 8655 bytes transferred. (92.8 KB/s) (91 ms)
[16:22:13] 226 Transfer complete
[16:22:13] MDTM 20080312020424 book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 550 20080312020424 book1.xlsx: No such file or directory
[16:22:13] MFMT 20080312020424 book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 500 MFMT not understood
[16:22:13] SITE UTIME book1.xlsx 20080312020424 20080312020424 20080312020424 UTC
[16:22:13] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:22:13] SITE UTIME 20080312020424 book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:22:13] SIZE book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 213 8655

[16:22:11] TYPE I
[16:22:11] 200 Type set to I
[16:22:11] SIZE Book1.xlsx
[16:22:11] 550 Book1.xlsx: No such file or directory
[16:22:13] STAT Book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 450 Book1.xlsx: No such file or directory
[16:22:13] SIZE Book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 550 Book1.xlsx: No such file or directory
[16:22:13] MDTM Book1.xlsx
[16:22:13] 550 Book1.xlsx: No such file or directory

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1010.13
Time Stamp : 2008-03-14 20:32:12
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1010.13

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Well it works for me. Your statements "it doesn't work" are not helpful. Try to figure out why it doesn't work under certain situations.


It appears that uploading with "preserve case" works ok. Altho most of the time the file uploaded appears at the bottom of the list of files instead of alphabetically correct in the list. The list was sorted on name before the upload.

"force lower case" does not work ever. It does the same thing it has been doing... sometimes size is ok, sometimes it is zero. Permissions, owner, group never work as stated in previous posts.

Another problem that has occured with .13 is my remote editor setting will not hold. If I enter a remote edit program and it's editable file extenstions it appears to save it. If I then login to my server and try to edit a file, the remote editor never starts. I close smartftp and reopen, enter settings/remote edit and the editor program and extensions are gone, the remote edit box is empty.

That helped.

The latest build (.14) fixes the following problems:

1. Remote Edit settings
The settings are correctly restored now

2. Updates in Remote Browser
They are working now correctly when the file name conversation is enabled

I hope it works for you as well ;-)


Here is the latest on .13.

It did not ask me to reboot upon uninstall. All others have.

Here is the latest on .14.

1. On the first upload of a force lowercase it works great except the file appears at the bottom of the file list, meaning the file list is not sorted correctly.

Subsequent force lowercase uploads do appear to be sorted correctly.

2. Normal case appears to be working fine on all accounts.

3. Remote edit info is now being stored correctly.

4. Remote edit is not working correctly. I have .html .php .cgi .txt set to be edited by a remote html editor. In no case does it open that program. Nothing opens for html. Nothing opens for php. Nothing opens for cgi. Notepad (the windows default editor) opens for txt even though I have it set to be opened by the other program. Files of other extensions open with the windows default program. jpg with paint, gif with paint etc etc etc.

So even though the remote edit info is being stored correctly, it is not kicking off the remote program for the proper extensions... in some cases no editor opens, not even the default.

5. I have Vista set to mimic browser actions, meaning single click for files, mousing over highlights a file etc. Smartftp appears to be doing that as windows explorer does. Simply mousing over a file highlights it etc... single clicking a directory opens it etc etc. To me that has and already has had dangerous consequences for me as in sliding your mouse to go hit the upload button and take a downward or upward path, it highlights the next file instead of the one you wanted and uploads... or in some cases would delete the wrong file.

IMO, smartftp should ignore that behavior and actually make you click a file to highlight it, and double click a dir to open it... and specify and action to do if you double click a file (smartftp may already do this I cant remember). Worse case, being able to turn single click behavior off would be great.

Just my opinion from having been working on trying to figure this out. I have uploaded the wrong file numerous times. FYI only, ws_ftp and cuteftp (others I've used) do not follow the windows explorer behavior.

I hope this all helps. I'm enjoying working with you on this. I believe this is an awesome program and the right one for me!!

Let me know what you want me to test next

Hello ..

>4. Remote edit is not working correctly.
What editor did you assign to the .html, .php and .cgi extensions? Is this the only one that doesn't open? Did you try to assign another editor beside notepad.exe?
Does it work when you edit the file using the "Edit With..."menu and then select the editor you have assigned to the .html, .php etc extension?

>5 Vista behavior
Our philosophy is to make SmartFTP behave like the Windows Explorer in the operating system. It means a user who is familiar with the Windows Explorer will have no problems using SmartFTP. Thus we do not have any plans to change the current behavior. Implementing lots of additional settings to control the behavior turned out to be more confusing for most users in the past.


Please try the latest version. It adds the following which is related to the "Edit" functionality:
Remote Browser: Edit function now uses Editors, Shell Default Association, File Viewer according to the "by default" option in the General->Remote Edit settings dialog.



My remote editor set to edit .html .php .cgi .txt is called Rapid Php and is just an external $30 html editor. Notepad was not set to edit any of those.

I added the "edit" icon to the toolbar just above the remote pane. It looks like a white rectangle with a dot or something over on the left side. Clicking on it for .html .php .cgi does nothing. .txt opens notepad, jpg paint etc etc etc. But hitting that icon does not follow my remote edit setup to open rapid php to edit those 4 types. The only one it opens is notepad for txt and that should be rapid php as well.

Now... right clicking and clicking on "edit with" DOES show rapid php as an option for .html .php .cgi .txt, and WILL open rapid php to edit them.

So it appears the issue may be with the "edit" icon functionality?

Do you still want me to try the latest version based on this info?

Hello ..

>4. Remote edit is not working correctly.
What editor did you assign to the .html, .php and .cgi extensions? Is this the only one that doesn't open? Did you try to assign another editor beside notepad.exe?
Does it work when you edit the file using the "Edit With..."menu and then select the editor you have assigned to the .html, .php etc extension?

>5 Vista behavior
Our philosophy is to make SmartFTP behave like the Windows Explorer in the operating system. It means a user who is familiar with the Windows Explorer will have no problems using SmartFTP. Thus we do not have any plans to change the current behavior. Implementing lots of additional settings to control the behavior turned out to be more confusing for most users in the past.


Please test it with the latest version.

Upon right clicking on a remote file and chosing rapid php as my editor it does edit.

Upon clicking the edit icon, editing files goes to what is default in that file's association and ignores the remote edit rule I have set to use my remote editing program.

Basically right now everything is opening with notepad instead of my remote editor.

Did you configure the "by default" option in the Remote Edit settings dialog? You have to change it to "Editors, Shell Assoc"

"I think" all is good!!! I'll keep you posted, but so far the small amount I've tried seems ok. I'll do my daily things using smartftp and see how it goes.

On another note, settings/interface/general/opens single instance of the program what exactly does that setting do or dont do?