I have now tried with both "lowercase conversion" and "leave as is", both produce same result... no file info.
[16:11:17] SmartFTP v3.0.1010.7
[16:11:18] Resolving host name ""
[16:11:18] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:11:18] Connected to
[16:11:18] 220 FTP Server ready.
[16:11:18] USER theblade
[16:11:18] 331 Password required for theblade
[16:11:18] PASS (hidden)
[16:11:18] 230 User theblade logged in.
[16:11:18] SYST
[16:11:18] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:11:18] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:11:18] FEAT
[16:11:18] 211-Features:
[16:11:18] MDTM
[16:11:18] REST STREAM
[16:11:18] SIZE
[16:11:18] 211 End
[16:11:18] PWD
[16:11:18] 257 "/" is the current directory
[16:11:18] CWD /var/www/html
[16:11:18] 250 CWD command successful
[16:11:18] PWD
[16:11:18] 257 "/var/www/html" is the current directory
[16:11:18] TYPE A
[16:11:18] 200 Type set to A
[16:11:18] PASV
[16:11:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,153,212).
[16:11:19] Opening data connection to Port: 39380
[16:11:19] LIST -aL
[16:11:19] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[16:11:19] 1703 bytes transferred. (18.6 KB/s) (89 ms)
[16:11:19] 226 Transfer complete
[16:11:28] DELE case gr70206 1.jpg
[16:11:28] 250 DELE command successful
[16:11:40] TYPE I
[16:11:40] 200 Type set to I
[16:11:40] SIZE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:40] 550 case gr70206 5.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:11:40] CWD /var/www/html/case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:40] 550 /var/www/html/case gr70206 5.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:11:41] SIZE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:41] 213 91570
[16:11:41] MDTM case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:11:41] 213 20080308211205
[16:11:54] TYPE A
[16:11:54] 200 Type set to A
[16:11:54] PASV
[16:11:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,153,250).
[16:11:54] Opening data connection to Port: 39418
[16:11:54] LIST -aL
[16:11:54] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[16:11:54] 1703 bytes transferred. (29.1 KB/s) (57 ms)
[16:11:54] 226 Transfer complete
[16:12:04] DELE case gr70206 5.jpg
[16:12:04] 250 DELE command successful
[16:12:09] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[16:12:09] 250 CWD command successful
[16:12:09] PWD
[16:12:09] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[16:12:10] PASV
[16:12:10] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,154,3).
[16:12:10] Opening data connection to Port: 39427
[16:12:10] LIST -aL
[16:12:10] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[16:12:10] 2560 bytes transferred. (45.4 KB/s) (55 ms)
[16:12:10] 226 Transfer complete
[16:13:32] TYPE I
[16:13:32] 200 Type set to I
[16:13:32] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:32] 550 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:32] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:32] 550 /var/www/html/heatheryoung/case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 213 62144
[16:13:33] MDTM case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 213 20080308211356
[16:17:09] 421 No transfer timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection
[16:17:09] Server closed connection
[16:13:32] Resolving host name ""
[16:13:32] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:13:32] Connected to
[16:13:32] 220 FTP Server ready.
[16:13:32] USER theblade
[16:13:32] 331 Password required for theblade
[16:13:32] PASS (hidden)
[16:13:32] 230 User theblade logged in.
[16:13:32] SYST
[16:13:32] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:13:32] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:13:32] FEAT
[16:13:32] 211-Features:
[16:13:32] MDTM
[16:13:32] REST STREAM
[16:13:32] SIZE
[16:13:33] 211 End
[16:13:33] PWD
[16:13:33] 257 "/" is the current directory
[16:13:33] CWD /var/www/html/heatheryoung
[16:13:33] 250 CWD command successful
[16:13:33] PWD
[16:13:33] 257 "/var/www/html/heatheryoung" is the current directory
[16:13:33] Remote file exist check: "case gr70206 3.jpg".
[16:13:33] TYPE I
[16:13:33] 200 Type set to I
[16:13:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 550 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:33] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[16:13:33] PASV
[16:13:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,10,154,35).
[16:13:33] Opening data connection to Port: 39459
[16:13:33] STOR case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 62144 bytes transferred. (689 KB/s) (88 ms)
[16:13:33] 226 Transfer complete
[16:13:33] MDTM 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 550 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg: No such file or directory
[16:13:33] MFMT 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 500 MFMT not understood
[16:13:33] SITE UTIME case gr70206 3.jpg 20080303210808 20080303210808 20080303210808 UTC
[16:13:33] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:13:33] SITE UTIME 20080303210808 case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[16:13:33] SIZE case gr70206 3.jpg
[16:13:33] 213 62144
+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
(Build 6000)
CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB
+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1010.7
Time Stamp : 2008-03-08 11:42:52
Platform : x86
+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :
+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1010.7
+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.6000.16609
+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2