Problem uploading using Smart FTP? low speeds and timing out

ive been using Smart FTP for a few years and never had any problems, i have been using other FTP programs recently due to a problem with my Smart FTP install.

I have weird problems uploading to my web space, previously i could drop a load of of JPEGS into my space and it would upload them as normal, however if i try to do that now the first uploads to about 94% then the upload speed decreases itself from say 70kbps down to 2 or 3 kbps and then times itself out.

This is a very annoying problem that i cant fathom out, ive used Cute FTP, ACE FTP recently and both upload to my webspace with no issues, however i dont like either program and want to start using Smart FTP again, i am hoping someone can help.

I have a 20meg Cable line, and performed a speed test recently and had an upload speed of 700kbps so i shouldnt be experiencing problems like this, i can only assume there is a setting in Smart FTP i dont know how to use.

I have re-installed with a fresh install of the latest version a few times now and still have this problem, ii cant even upload a 100k GIF without it doing this.

Can someone please help, this is driving me wild as i dont know what i should be looking for.

thanks for any help given

Russel (UK)

Post the logs from SmartFTP and from another FTP client.


how do i do that MB, do i try upload something then post log after it fails?

Wheres the setting the download a log.

thanks for the reply.

hey MB, here is a log of me trying to upload one JPEG image to my server. Ive deleted the user name etc

[18:02:19] SmartFTP v2.5.1006.3

[18:02:20] 220 FTP Server ready.

[18:02:20] SYST
[18:02:20] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:02:20] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[18:02:20] FEAT
[18:02:21] 211-Features:
[18:02:21] MDTM
[18:02:21] REST STREAM
[18:02:21] SIZE
[18:02:21] 211 End
[18:02:21] PWD
[18:02:21] 257 "/" is the current directory
[18:02:21] CWD /RS-testsite/js
[18:02:21] 250 CWD command successful
[18:02:21] PWD
[18:02:21] 257 "/RS-testsite/js" is the current directory
[18:02:21] TYPE A
[18:02:21] 200 Type set to A
[18:02:21] PASV
[18:02:21] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,160,159,102,229,212).
[18:02:21] Opening data connection to Port: 58836
[18:02:21] LIST -aL
[18:02:21] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[18:02:21] 400 bytes transferred. (12.2 KB/s) (32 ms)
[18:02:21] 226 Transfer complete
[18:02:23] CWD /
[18:02:23] 250 CWD command successful
[18:02:23] PWD
[18:02:23] 257 "/" is the current directory
[18:02:23] PASV
[18:02:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,160,159,102,248,12).
[18:02:23] Opening data connection to Port: 63500
[18:02:23] LIST -aL
[18:02:23] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[18:02:23] 6515 bytes transferred. (135 KB/s) (47 ms)
[18:02:23] 226 Transfer complete
[18:02:24] CWD /csphotos
[18:02:24] 250 CWD command successful
[18:02:24] PWD
[18:02:24] 257 "/csphotos" is the current directory
[18:02:24] PASV
[18:02:24] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,160,159,102,197,60).
[18:02:24] Opening data connection to Port: 50492
[18:02:24] LIST -aL
[18:02:24] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[18:02:24] 4236 bytes transferred. (29.3 KB/s) (141 ms)
[18:02:25] 226 Transfer complete
[18:02:35] Remote file exist check: "washed.JPG".
[18:02:35] TYPE I
[18:02:35] 200 Type set to I
[18:02:35] SIZE washed.JPG
[18:02:35] 213 231867
[18:02:35] MDTM washed.JPG
[18:02:35] 213 20070605000956
[18:02:35] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[18:02:37] PASV
[18:02:37] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,160,159,102,208,173).
[18:02:37] Opening data connection to Port: 53421
[18:02:37] STOR washed.JPG
[18:02:37] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for washed.JPG
[18:02:39] 231867 bytes transferred. (89.4 KB/s) (00:00:02)
[18:03:39] Timeout (60s).
[18:03:39] Active Help:
[18:03:39] Client closed the connection.

[18:03:39] 220 FTP Server ready.

[18:03:39] PASS (hidden)

[18:03:39] SYST
[18:03:40] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:03:40] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[18:03:40] FEAT
[18:03:40] 211-Features:
[18:03:40] MDTM
[18:03:40] REST STREAM
[18:03:40] SIZE
[18:03:40] 211 End
[18:03:40] PWD
[18:03:40] 257 "/" is the current directory
[18:03:40] CWD /csphotos
[18:03:40] 250 CWD command successful
[18:03:40] PWD
[18:03:40] 257 "/csphotos" is the current directory
[18:03:40] TYPE A
[18:03:40] 200 Type set to A
[18:03:40] PASV
[18:03:40] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,160,159,102,204,211).
[18:03:40] Opening data connection to Port: 52435
[18:03:40] LIST -aL
[18:03:40] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[18:03:40] 4236 bytes transferred. (88.0 KB/s) (47 ms)
[18:03:40] 226 Transfer complete
[18:03:40] Transfer failed. Use the Transfer Queue for automatic retries.

What server software is running on the FTP server?

Can you post the log from another FTP client as well?


my hosting is on Linux on a 1&1 server, as i said i dont have this problem with any other FTP, and never did with Smart until a few weeks ago.

There must be a setting somewhere, but this is a fresh install.

Does it save settings somewhere when you delete the install and when you reinstall it put those settings into the new install if you know what i mean?

How would it be stored, as a text file somewhere?

Hello ..

Please post the information requested. If you want to us to look at your problem in more detail please purchase a license. We - like any other company - is not able to offer free technical support for a free product.
And no, it's not a bug in SmartFTP.
