Connects but then server disconnects

Testing this product as a replacement of FTP-voyager Client ( Licence is up) I do like the options in this client.

However i am stuck now. I get a connection and directory listing. But in about 15 sec i get Server Closed connection. This even happens in middle of File uploads.

Example of just connecting to server

[22:24:17] SmartFTP v4.0.1176.0
[22:24:17] Resolving host name "X.X.X.X"
[22:24:17] Connecting to X.X.X.X Port: 21
[22:24:17] Connected to X.X.X.X.
[22:24:17] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 for WinSock ready...
[22:24:17] FEAT
[22:24:18] 211-Extension supported
[22:24:18] AUTH TLS
[22:24:18] SSCN
[22:24:18] PBSZ
[22:24:18] PROT
[22:24:18] CCC
[22:24:18] CLNT
[22:24:18] MDTM
[22:24:18] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[22:24:18] SIZE
[22:24:18] REST STREAM
[22:24:18] XCRC filename;start;end
[22:24:18] MODE Z
[22:24:18] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[22:24:18] 211 End
[22:24:18] AUTH TLS
[22:24:18] 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing SSL connection.
[22:24:18] TLS 1.0 encrypted session established.
[22:24:18] Key Exchange: 1024 bit RSA
[22:24:18] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[22:24:18] Command channel protection set to Private.
[22:24:18] PBSZ 0
[22:24:18] 200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
[22:24:18] USER XXXXX
[22:24:18] 331 User name okay, need password.
[22:24:18] PASS (hidden)
[22:24:18] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[22:24:18] PROT P
[22:24:18] 200 PROT command OK. Using private data connection.
[22:24:18] CCC
[22:24:19] 200 Command channel switched to clear-text.
[22:24:20] SYST
[22:24:20] 500 'Ī;Ž¨ÀOE5_E‚X¡}—Õ': command not understood. <---- Dont know why i get this.
[22:24:20] RTT: 294.935 ms
[22:24:20] FEAT
[22:24:20] 211-Extension supported
[22:24:21] AUTH TLS
[22:24:21] SSCN
[22:24:21] PBSZ
[22:24:21] PROT
[22:24:21] CCC
[22:24:21] CLNT
[22:24:21] MDTM
[22:24:21] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[22:24:21] SIZE
[22:24:21] REST STREAM
[22:24:21] XCRC filename;start;end
[22:24:21] MODE Z
[22:24:21] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[22:24:21] 211 End
[22:24:21] CLNT SmartFTP 4.0.1176.0
[22:24:21] 200 Noted.
[22:24:21] OPTS MLST Type;Size;Create;Modify;Win32.ea;
[22:24:21] 200 MLST OPTS Type;Size;Create;Modify;Win32.ea;
[22:24:21] Detected Server Software: Serv-U
[22:24:21] PWD
[22:24:22] 257 "/c:/XXXX" is current directory.
[22:24:22] TYPE A
[22:24:22] 200 Type set to A.
[22:24:22] MODE Z
[22:24:22] 200 MODE Z ok.
[22:24:22] PASV
[22:24:22] 227 Entering Passive Mode (X,X,X,X,117)
[22:24:22] Opening data connection to X.X.X.X Port: 2421
[22:24:22] MLSD
[22:24:22] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD.
[22:24:22] 693 bytes transferred. (3.61 KB/s) (187 ms)
[22:24:23] 226 Transfer complete.
[22:24:34] Server closed connection

If i try to Upload files. they all start and copy but after about 15-20 sec the connection is lost and it starts over.

Where do i start to resolve this?

>[22:24:20] 500 'Ī;Ž¨ÀOE5_E‚X¡}—Õ': command not understood. <---- Dont know why i get this.
The server has a broken CCC implementation. This bug has been fixed in a new version of Serv-U. To workaround around the problem set the Control Connection mode to Private in the Favorite Properties: FTP->TLS/SSL dialog.

>transfer problem
Please post the log from the data transfer. Double click the file in the transfer queue to get the log.

Thanks, I can get them to update the server if we can get the other thing working. Whats strange is i thought i had this working. I did a couple of folders the night before. But i rechecked it with my other client and found some files dates where not correct. I need CRC and file date/Time checked. but it looks like i can only do one or other. so i have it set to date/Time. CRC should be checked after upload and i am OK with that. But making changes i might have set something back to default that i had changed that was making this work and i cant find it now.

But i cant set to Private (Turn off CCC) Or i cant get directory listing. So i have to leave it on for now. I have another server-U ( newer) but i cant until tomorrow. I will test.

Here is a log of a file upload per your request.

[23:35:41] Operation Begin
[23:35:41] Resolving host name "X.X.X.X"
[23:35:41] Connecting to X.X.X.X Port: 21
[23:35:41] Connected to X.X.X.X.
[23:35:41] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 for WinSock ready...
[23:35:41] AUTH TLS
[23:35:41] 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing SSL connection.
[23:35:42] TLS 1.0 encrypted session established.
[23:35:42] Key Exchange: 1024 bit RSA
[23:35:42] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[23:35:42] Command channel protection set to Private.
[23:35:42] PBSZ 0
[23:35:42] 200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
[23:35:42] USER XXXXX
[23:35:42] 331 User name okay, need password.
[23:35:42] PASS (hidden)
[23:35:42] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[23:35:42] PROT C
[23:35:42] 200 PROT command OK. Using clear data connection.
[23:35:42] CCC
[23:35:42] 200 Command channel switched to clear-text.
[23:35:43] SYST
[23:35:44] 500 'JE÷AÛKÔÕ¹;Æ*ÚÊÒ»$À"Ø': command not understood.
[23:35:44] RTT: 283.349 ms
[23:35:44] FEAT
[23:35:44] 211-Extension supported
[23:35:45] AUTH TLS
[23:35:45] SSCN
[23:35:45] PBSZ
[23:35:45] PROT
[23:35:45] CCC
[23:35:45] CLNT
[23:35:45] MDTM
[23:35:45] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[23:35:45] SIZE
[23:35:45] REST STREAM
[23:35:45] XCRC filename;start;end
[23:35:45] MODE Z
[23:35:45] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[23:35:45] 211 End
[23:35:45] CLNT SmartFTP 4.0.1176.0
[23:35:45] 200 Noted.
[23:35:45] OPTS MLST Type;Size;Create;Modify;Win32.ea;
[23:35:45] 200 MLST OPTS Type;Size;Create;Modify;Win32.ea;
[23:35:45] Detected Server Software: Serv-U
[23:35:45] PWD
[23:35:45] 257 "/c:/XXX" is current directory.
[23:35:45] CWD /c:/XXX/XXX/XXX/X
[23:35:45] 250 Directory changed to /c:/XXX/XXX/XXX/X
[23:35:45] PWD
[23:35:46] 257 "/c:/XXX/XXX/XXX/X" is current directory.
[23:35:46] Remote file exist check: "XXXXX.XXX".
[23:35:46] MLST XXXXX.XXX
[23:35:46] 250-Listing /c:/XXX/XXX/XXX/X
[23:35:46] Type=file;Size=76225206;Create=20110401191938;Modify=20110404033518;Win32.ea=0x00000020; XXXXX.XXX
[23:35:46] 250 End.
[23:35:46] Source File: Size=524272418, Date Modified=2011-02-10T19:33:12
[23:35:46] Destination File: Size=76225206, Date Modified=2011-04-04T03:35:18
[23:35:46] RecentTime=2011-04-04T03:35:20
[23:35:46] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[23:35:46] TYPE I
[23:35:46] 200 Type set to I.
[23:35:46] MODE Z
[23:35:47] 200 MODE Z ok.
[23:35:47] PASV
[23:35:47] 227 Entering Passive Mode (X,X,X,X,13,85)
[23:35:47] Opening data connection to X.X.X.X Port: 3413
[23:35:47] REST 76224182
[23:35:47] 350 Restarting at 76224182. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[23:35:47] STOR INSTALL4.SWM
[23:35:47] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
[23:35:58] Server closed connection <---- Same error i get when i just connect to server and its always about 12 sec after last command
[23:35:58] Transfer failed.
[23:35:58] Operation End
[23:35:58] Operation Begin
[23:35:58] Resolving host name "X.X.X.X"
[23:35:58] Connecting to X.X.X.X Port: 21
[23:35:58] Connected to X.X.X.X.
[23:35:58] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 for WinSock ready...
[23:35:58] AUTH TLS
[23:35:58] 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing SSL connection.
[23:35:58] TLS 1.0 encrypted session established.
[23:35:58] Key Exchange: 1024 bit RSA
[23:35:58] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[23:35:58] Command channel protection set to Private.
[23:35:58] PBSZ 0
[23:35:59] 200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
[23:35:59] USER XXXXX
[23:35:59] 331 User name okay, need password.
[23:35:59] PASS (hidden)
[23:35:59] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[23:35:59] PROT C
[23:35:59] 200 PROT command OK. Using clear data connection.
[23:35:59] CCC
[23:35:59] 200 Command channel switched to clear-text.
[23:36:00] SYST
[23:36:00] 500 'Û8': command not understood.
[23:36:00] RTT: 286.405 ms
[23:36:00] FEAT
[23:36:01] 211-Extension supported
[23:36:02] AUTH TLS
[23:36:02] SSCN
[23:36:02] PBSZ
[23:36:02] PROT
[23:36:02] CCC
[23:36:02] CLNT
[23:36:02] MDTM
[23:36:02] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[23:36:02] SIZE
[23:36:02] REST STREAM
[23:36:02] XCRC filename;start;end
[23:36:02] MODE Z
[23:36:02] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[23:36:02] 211 End
[23:36:02] CLNT SmartFTP 4.0.1176.0
[23:36:02] 200 Noted.
[23:36:02] OPTS MLST Type;Size;Create;Modify;Win32.ea;
[23:36:02] 200 MLST OPTS Type;Size;Create;Modify;Win32.ea;
[23:36:02] Detected Server Software: Serv-U
[23:36:02] PWD
[23:36:02] 257 "/c:/XXXX" is current directory.
[23:36:02] 250 Directory changed to /c:/XXX/XXXXX/XXXX/XXXXX
[23:36:02] PWD
[23:36:02] 257 "/c:/XXX/XXXXX/XXXX/XXXXX" is current directory.
[23:36:02] Remote file exist check: "XXXXX.XXX".
[23:36:02] MLST XXXXX.XXX
[23:36:02] 250-Listing /c:/XXX/XXXXX/XXXX/XXXXX
[23:36:03] Type=file;Size=79239043;Create=20110401191938;Modify=20110404033556;Win32.ea=0x00000020; XXXXX.XXX
[23:36:03] 250 End.
[23:36:03] Source File: Size=524272418, Date Modified=2011-02-10T19:33:12
[23:36:03] Destination File: Size=79239043, Date Modified=2011-04-04T03:35:56
[23:36:03] RecentTime=2011-04-04T03:35:58
[23:36:03] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[23:36:03] TYPE I
[23:36:03] 200 Type set to I.
[23:36:03] MODE Z
[23:36:03] 200 MODE Z ok.
[23:36:03] PASV
[23:36:03] 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XXX,XX,XXX,13,87)
[23:36:03] Opening data connection to XXX/XXXXX/XXXX/XXXXX Port: 3415
[23:36:03] REST 79238019
[23:36:04] 350 Restarting at 79238019. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[23:36:04] STOR XXXXX.XXX
[23:36:04] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for XXXXX.XXX

Loops over and over with Server closed connection

One thing to Note: It does Upload the file. getting 300KB/s + so it does send data before it restarts

Just tested to another server with "Serv-U FTP Server v9.1" and it looks OK. Going to remake a new favorite to the older server maybe it was a setting. But its starting to look like the server version and settings :-(

So now i got two new favorites using the same default settings. pointing to a old and new server-u. New one is working ok.

Old one is failing with this when i set to private
[00:15:53] PASV
[00:15:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (X,X,X,X,14,37)
[00:15:53] Passive IP address returned from server different from server IP.
[00:15:53] Replacing received PASV address X.X.X.X by server address X.X.X.X.
[00:15:53] Opening data connection to X.X.X.X Port: 3621
[00:15:53] MLSD
[00:16:14] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

So it might also be how the older server is setup. I will try to get them to update to the new version tomorrow.

Sending tot he new server with this Client is checking a$$. So i do like this. Going to look at other options and one other client before I make my recommendation for purchase.

It's a server issue.

Updated Server to 10.5. This issue is gone.

Now if i can just find out how to trouble shoot why SmartFTP keeps crashing. I can buy it.

Is there a limitation on how many files it can handle? Looks like it sonly when it has alto pending like 3-5k. is there a log i can check for crashes? App locks up and windows asks if you want to restart it.