Loop Through Directories with C#

I am trying to loop through the directories but I cannot seem to get the working directorie to change. What am I missing

static void cgdirectories(string ftpDir)
FTPConnection ftp = new FTPConnection();
ftp.Host = "xxx.com";
ftp.Port = 21;
ftp.Username = "xxx";
ftp.Password = "xxx";
ftp.Passive = true;
ftp.ProxyType = sfFTPLib.enumProxyType.ftpProxyTypeNone;
ftp.FTPProxyType = sfFTPLib.enumFTPProxyType.ftpFTPProxyTypeNone;
ftp.Client = "FTP Updater";
ftp.LogFile = "FTPTXR.log";
sfFTPLib.enumError err = ftp.Connect();
if(err == sfFTPLib.enumError.ftpErrorSuccess)

//if(ftp.ChangeDirectory(ftpDir) == sfFTPLib.enumError.ftpErrorSuccess)


if(ftp.ReadDirectory() == sfFTPLib.enumError.ftpErrorSuccess)

FTPDirectory ftpDirectory = ftp.Directory;

foreach(FTPItem objItem in ftpDirectory)
if (Convert.ToString(objItem.Type) == "ftpItemTypeFolder")

if(err == sfFTPLib.enumError.ftpErrorLicense)
System.Console.WriteLine("Please acquire a license from https://www.smartftp.com");
System.Console.WriteLine("Connect() failed. LastError = {0}", ftp.LastError);

Hello ..

1. You are opening a new connection for each call to cgdirectories()

2. You call the ChangeDirectory() function with the name of directory. You have to supply the full absolut path to the new directory.
e.g. "/blbaal/test" instead of "test"
