File mask

In the first version of the libary I had I do do a file mask on the file listing.

Now I have upgraded I no longer see the overloaded function GetFiles()

So now how do I apply a mask such as zbc*.t* to a directory listing?


You need to filter the files yourself. What programming language do you use?

You need to filter the files yourself. What programming language do you use?

I use C#. What happened to the functionality that was in the libary before? I now have legacy code that will not upgrade without modifications.

Maybe you mean the ReadDirectoryFromCommand method.

If your server supports globbing you can use the function as following"
ReadDirectoryFromCommand("LIST zbc*.t*")
But the safer way is to manually enumerate the directory (see below).

For file globbing you can use the following function. Credits go to to Erwin at


public static class StringExtensions


	public static bool WildcardMatch(this string str, string compare, bool ignoreCase)


		if (ignoreCase)

			return str.ToLower().WildcardMatch(compare.ToLower());


			return str.WildcardMatch(compare);


	public static bool WildcardMatch(this string str, string compare)


		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(compare))

			return str.Length == 0;

		int pS = 0;

		int pW = 0;

		int lS = str.Length;

		int lW = compare.Length;

		while (pS < lS && pW < lW && compare[pW] != '*')


			char wild = compare[pW];

			if (wild != '?' && wild != str[pS])

				return false;




		int pSm = 0;

		int pWm = 0;

		while (pS < lS && pW < lW)


			char wild = compare[pW];

			if (wild == '*')



				if (pW == lW)

					return true;

				pWm = pW;

				pSm = pS + 1;


			else if (wild == '?' || wild == str[pS])







				pW = pWm;

				pS = pSm;




		while (pW < lW && compare[pW] == '*')


		return pW == lW && pS == lS;



This will work for me, Thanks a lot.

In the first version there was a overloaded function called GetFiles(). You could pass in a wildcard as a parameter and it would only get the matches.
