PowerShell Script

I about have way through creating a FTP script using PowerShell and I am stuck. When I reach the section to for proxy setting I run into an error.
I have looked at a couple scripts but, no matter how I change it I still get the error message. I am missing something and need some help

The following lines fail with or with out "ProxyType" or "FTPProxyType"
$objFTPConnectionMTA.ProxyType = sfFTPLib.ProxyType.enumProxyType.ftpProxyTypeNone;
$objFTPConnectionMTA.FTPProxyType = sfFTPLib.FTPProxyType.enumFTPProxyType.ftpFTPProxyTypeNone;

This is the error message I am getting
The term 'sfFTPLib.ProxyType.enumProxyType.ftpProxyTypeNone' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file. Verify the term and try again.
At C:\MyScripts\FTPTest.ps1:45 char:95
+ $objFTPConnectionMTA.ProxyType = sfFTPLib.ProxyType.enumProxyType.ftpProxyTypeNone <<<< ;
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (sfFTPLib.ProxyT...tpProxyTypeNone:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Note: $objFTPConnectionMTA = new-object -comobject sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionMTA is loaded and works. The issue is on the sfFTPLib side.

Can you send the complete script to support at smartftp.com

Thank you

Can you send the complete script to support at smartftp.com

Thank you

Hm your last post was empty.