data backup

I've searched the forum already without any luck, but is there a way to use Smart FTP to backup my files? I'm not talking about backing up Smart FTP data, but my own personal files. Does Smart FTP have the ability to check the version of files and back-up only those files which are new?



Hello ..

You can queue the folder you would like to backup to the global queue. See the "Global Queue - Upload" tutorial at
Then right-click on the item in the global queue and select the "Schedule" menu entry. You can set a recurring schedule for it. If your FTP server supports XCRC only the modified files will be uploaded. Otherwise all files where the remote file size differs from the local file size will be uploaded.



If your FTP server supports XCRC only the modified files will be uploaded. Otherwise all files where the remote file size differs from the local  
file size will be uploaded.

Does it check date also (a file can be changed but with the same size)?


Thanks for the assistance. I understand the backup procedure you outlined. However, this allows me to backup files on my computer (local) from an FTP server (remote). I would like to do the opposite (i.e. periodically backup my local files on a remote server) but was unable to change the procedure to do so. Am I missing something?


Hello ..

It works both ways. See the Global Queue - Upload and the Global Queue - Download howtos.
Please post your license key id for premium support.
Thank you.