Lionel Remillard
Each time a connection is made to a site, an entry is added to the history dropdown. As a result, there are many, many duplicates. Our users routinely connect to 5 sites yet the history is filled to the number of entries specified by the Max History Items value.
Our users do save history and the login and port does not change although their password may.
Further, the initial directory does not change. In fact, the dropdown has 50 items but only 5 unique entries in that dropdown.
Uninstalling and removing any relic [Profile]Application DataSmartFTP settings does not appear to affect this behavior.
I am certain (as I can be anyhow) that version 1.0.971 did not behave this way but I'm getting many complaints about it in post 971 versions because the users think these are all different connections and they don't know which one to pick. As it turns out, it doesn't matter since all the history items are duplicate but still they ask.
Any suggestions or assistance would be helpful.
Thank you,
Each time a connection is made to a site, an entry is added to the history dropdown. As a result, there are many, many duplicates. Our users routinely connect to 5 sites yet the history is filled to the number of entries specified by the Max History Items value.
Our users do save history and the login and port does not change although their password may.
Further, the initial directory does not change. In fact, the dropdown has 50 items but only 5 unique entries in that dropdown.
Uninstalling and removing any relic [Profile]Application DataSmartFTP settings does not appear to affect this behavior.
I am certain (as I can be anyhow) that version 1.0.971 did not behave this way but I'm getting many complaints about it in post 971 versions because the users think these are all different connections and they don't know which one to pick. As it turns out, it doesn't matter since all the history items are duplicate but still they ask.
Any suggestions or assistance would be helpful.
Thank you,