When I connect to a particular FTP site I get no file listing. I disabled all of the directory listing options but it still doesn't show any files. I can upload files just fine, but they do not show up when I refresh the directory listing. I thought this was a problem with the FTP server but FTP Voyager seems to work just fine. All files are listed.
I am a paying educational institution and I am willing to work with someone to find a resolution to the problem. Here is my console log.
I am a paying educational institution and I am willing to work with someone to find a resolution to the problem. Here is my console log.
Resolving host name
Connecting to ( -> IP: PORT: 21
Connected to ( -> Time = 10ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 <<<Connect:Enterprise for UNIX 2.0.00 Secure FTP>>> at transdev FTP server ready. Time = 20:01:00
USER *******
331 Password required for *******.
PASS (hidden)
230 Connect:Enterprise for UNIX login ok, access restrictions apply.
215 UNIX Type: L8
500 'FEAT': command not understood.
REST 100
550 Operation is not supported under Connect:Enterprise FTP server.
200 Type set to I.
REST 100
550 Operation is not supported under Connect:Enterprise FTP server.
257 "/HOME" is current directory.