Page on My Site is Asking Visitors for a Password


For some reason, a page on my website is asking users for a username and password.

I emailed goDaddy (my hosting provider) andthey said it had to do with "permissions" in my ftp program. I had never heard of permissions before, so I did some googling and found out how to set them in my ftp program (Smartftp).

The permission boxes are all unchecked and set to 0. This seems to be the same settings as all the "normal" html files on my site. They're all unchecked and set to zero.

My site:

The url that's asking for a password:

Here's what the permissions menu looks like:

Any thoughts on how to make this password thing go away?

Thank you in advance for any replies.


P.S. If I try to upload the page with my webpage-maker program, I get and error "550 - access denied". However, I can see (and apparently change?) the file if I log into SmartFtp client.