Filter Based on Date Modified


Is there a way to allow the SmartFTP filter to skip older files? I need to filter files more than a few hours old so they are not included in the transfer queue. This way no commands will need to be sent to the server to check if the file already exists there.

Thank you.

Vince Rothenberg

There is no such filter. SmartFTP does not just compare the filetime, it also looks at the file size. Also older servers do not return the complete file time in the directory listing, so an additional command to get the time is necessary.

There is no such filter. SmartFTP does not just compare the filetime, it also looks at the file size. Also older servers do not return the complete file time in the directory listing, so an additional command to get the time is necessary.

Good to know.

For my needs SmartFTP would strictly look at local files, then remove all files from the transfer queue with a date modified older than one hour ago. Much like how it does with files of a specific extension. If this date modified feature can be added I would greatly appreciate it.

Best regards.