Transfer Queue is Stuck

I am unable to transfer files from one server to another. It worked fine on my trial version, but now that I have bought the software, the transfers aren't wokring. The transfer queue is stuck. The file never goes anywhere or else it may look like it has been transferred, but the file length is 0 bytes.
[13:05:16] Operation Begin
[13:05:16] Resolving host name ""
[13:05:16] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:05:16] Connected to
[13:05:19] 220 hubqra01 FTP server (Version 4.2 Sat Sep 8 09:49:58 CDT 2007) ready.
[13:05:19] USER hubftp
[13:05:19] 331 Password required for hubftp.
[13:05:19] PASS (hidden)
[13:05:19] 230-Last unsuccessful login: Thu Apr 29 09:03:10 2010 on ftp from ::ffff:
[13:05:19] 230-Last login: Mon Jun 14 12:05:48 2010 on ftp from ::ffff:
[13:05:19] 230 User hubftp logged in.
[13:05:19] SYST
[13:05:19] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44
[13:05:19] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[13:05:19] RTT: 71.498 ms
[13:05:19] FEAT
[13:05:19] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[13:05:19] TYPE I
[13:05:19] 200 Type set to I.
[13:05:19] REST 0
[13:05:19] 350 Restarting at 0 Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[13:05:19] PWD
[13:05:19] 257 "/qa/sapmnt/interface" is current directory.
[13:05:19] CWD /qa/sapmnt/interface/inbound/archive
[13:05:20] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:05:20] PWD
[13:05:20] 257 "/qa/sapmnt/interface/inbound/archive" is current directory.
[13:05:20] SIZE EDI_844_IDOC.TXT
[13:05:20] 213 17943
[13:05:20] MDTM EDI_844_IDOC.TXT
[13:05:20] 213 20100614162516
[13:05:20] CWD /qa/sapmnt/interface/inbound/edi
[13:05:20] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:05:20] PWD
[13:05:20] 257 "/qa/sapmnt/interface/inbound/edi" is current directory.
[13:05:20] SIZE EDI_844_IDOC.TXT
[13:05:20] 550 EDI_844_IDOC.TXT: not a plain file.
[13:05:20] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[13:05:20] PASV
[13:05:20] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,40,4,14,155,10)
[13:05:20] PORT 10,40,4,14,155,10
[13:05:20] Server closed connection
[13:05:20] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

Are you sure your FTP servers support server-to-server (FXP) transfers?

Yes, a fellow teammmeber has been using SmartFTP successfully on the exact same servers. In fact, I had to ask him to make my transfers for me since mine kept getting stuck in the queue. He had no problem at all