Can't upload files with %-sign in filename

SmartFTP will NOT allow for a file with a % (percentage sign) in the filename to be uploaded. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way around it without renaming each such filename? Either this seems to be a rather new issue or the previous person never bothered mentioning it to me.

Thanks in advance.

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog. Thanks.

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog. Thanks.

Here you go. Thanks.

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 3391 MHz
Total Memory : 2045 MB
Free Memory : 985 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 4.0.1112.0
Time Stamp : 2010-05-12 20:09:42
Platform : x86
Id : 400093029
Maintenance : 2011-11-21
Days in use : 552

+- Language ---------------------------

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.2180

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Thank you. What is not working? Do you see an error message in the server log?

Thank you. What is not working? Do you see an error message in the server log?
The file just sits in the transfer queue saying retry. Then, when I rename the file and take-out the % symbol, the file gets uploaded. I'm guessing that the software sees that % symbol and stops.

Double click the file in the transfer queue. A log window opens. Post the log here.

Double click the file in the transfer queue. A log window opens. Post the log here.
[15:21:55] Operation Begin
[15:21:55] Resolving host name ""
[15:21:55] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:21:55] Connected to
[15:21:56] 220 ProFTPD FTP Server ready.
[15:21:56] USER
[15:21:56] 331 Password required for
[15:21:56] PASS (hidden)
[15:21:56] 230 User logged in.
[15:21:56] SYST
[15:21:56] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:21:56] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:21:56] RTT: 15.000 ms
[15:21:56] FEAT
[15:21:56] 211-Features:
[15:21:56] MDTM
[15:21:56] REST STREAM
[15:21:56] SIZE
[15:21:56] 211 End
[15:21:56] Detected Server Software: ProFTPD
[15:21:56] PWD
[15:21:56] 257 "/home/admin" is current directory.
[15:21:56] CWD /var/www/html/bidroom/test
[15:21:56] 250 CWD command successful
[15:21:56] PWD
[15:21:56] 257 "/var/www/html/bidroom/test" is current directory.
[15:21:56] Remote file exist check: "fw4_100%design.pdf".
[15:21:56] TYPE I
[15:21:56] 200 Type set to I
[15:21:56] SIZE fw4_100%design.pdf
[15:21:56] 550 fw4_100%design.pdf: Forbidden command argument
[15:21:56] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[15:21:56] PASV
[15:21:56] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,94,111,23,222,130).
[15:21:56] Opening data connection to Port: 56962
[15:21:56] STOR fw4_100%design.pdf
[15:21:56] 550 fw4_100%design.pdf: Forbidden command argument
[15:21:56] Transfer failed.
[15:21:56] Operation End

It's a problem/bug with the server, it doesn't accept % in the filename.

It's a problem/bug with the server, it doesn't accept % in the filename.
So, it's a problem with our server? And there's no way around it then?

Thanks for all of your help.