Double click the file in the transfer queue. A log window opens. Post the log here.
[15:21:55] Operation Begin
[15:21:55] Resolving host name ""
[15:21:55] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:21:55] Connected to
[15:21:56] 220 ProFTPD FTP Server ready.
[15:21:56] USER
[15:21:56] 331 Password required for
[15:21:56] PASS (hidden)
[15:21:56] 230 User logged in.
[15:21:56] SYST
[15:21:56] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:21:56] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:21:56] RTT: 15.000 ms
[15:21:56] FEAT
[15:21:56] 211-Features:
[15:21:56] MDTM
[15:21:56] REST STREAM
[15:21:56] SIZE
[15:21:56] 211 End
[15:21:56] Detected Server Software: ProFTPD
[15:21:56] PWD
[15:21:56] 257 "/home/admin" is current directory.
[15:21:56] CWD /var/www/html/bidroom/test
[15:21:56] 250 CWD command successful
[15:21:56] PWD
[15:21:56] 257 "/var/www/html/bidroom/test" is current directory.
[15:21:56] Remote file exist check: "fw4_100%design.pdf".
[15:21:56] TYPE I
[15:21:56] 200 Type set to I
[15:21:56] SIZE fw4_100%design.pdf
[15:21:56] 550 fw4_100%design.pdf: Forbidden command argument
[15:21:56] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[15:21:56] PASV
[15:21:56] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,94,111,23,222,130).
[15:21:56] Opening data connection to Port: 56962
[15:21:56] STOR fw4_100%design.pdf
[15:21:56] 550 fw4_100%design.pdf: Forbidden command argument
[15:21:56] Transfer failed.
[15:21:56] Operation End