15 Minute Timeout

I enabled keep alives with the "list" command, but the client is still disconnected after 15 minutes. We are using IIS 7.0 with a Sonicwall tz170. Any ideas?

SmartFTP opens multiple connections to the server. One is the browser connection (Remote Browser) which you use to navigate to the folders and to initiate the transfers. The other connection(s) is/are used to transfer the actual files (Transfer Queue). So even if your browser connection times out, your files are sill transferred in the background (see the Transfer Queue window).

I recommend to remove the LIST from the keep alive commands, it has no good use.


The disconnecting is showing up in the log file. It shows that the remote host forcibly disconnected the client. Yes, the transfer does start up again, but that problem is that we are monitoring this log file for errors. So, each time our system sees an entry that says "transfer failed", then it thinks there is an error. I am sure there is something not right when every 15 min and 30-32 seconds the client is disconnected and has to reconnect.

Please post the log with the errors.

[2009-10-01T10:21:12] Log opened
[2009-10-01T10:21:12] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.20.10.
[2009-10-01T10:21:12] Resolving host name "remote.fresnonetworks.com"
[2009-10-01T10:21:12] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Connected to remote.fresnonetworks.com.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] AUTH TLS
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Command channel protection set to Private.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PBSZ 0
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 200 PBSZ command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] USER remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 331 Password required for remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PASS (hidden)
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 230 User logged in.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] SYST
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] RTT: 42.642 ms
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] FEAT
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 211-Extended features supported:
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] LANG EN*
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] UTF8
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PBSZ
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PROT C;P;
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] CCC
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] HOST
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] SIZE
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] MDTM
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] REST STREAM
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 211 END
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PWD
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] CWD /century builders/DailyBackup
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PWD
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 257 "/century builders/DailyBackup" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PROT P
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 200 PROT command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] PASV
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,54).
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Opening data connection to Port: 55350
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] STOR Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:21:13] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:21:14] Socket send buffer set to 16384 bytes.
[2009-10-01T10:23:45] Socket send buffer set to 32768 bytes.
[2009-10-01T10:36:46] SSL/TLS network error.
[2009-10-01T10:36:46] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[2009-10-01T10:36:46] 137297920 bytes transferred. (143 KB/s) (00:15:32)
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Timeout (60s).
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Client closed the connection.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Transfer failed.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Log closed
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Log opened
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.20.10.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Resolving host name "remote.fresnonetworks.com"
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Connected to remote.fresnonetworks.com.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] AUTH TLS
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] 234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Command channel protection set to Private.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] PBSZ 0
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] 200 PBSZ command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] USER remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] 331 Password required for remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] PASS (hidden)
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] 230 User logged in.
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] SYST
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] RTT: 45.027 ms
[2009-10-01T10:37:46] FEAT
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 211-Extended features supported:
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] LANG EN*
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] UTF8
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PBSZ
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PROT C;P;
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] CCC
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] HOST
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] SIZE
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] MDTM
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] REST STREAM
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 211 END
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PWD
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] CWD /century builders/DailyBackup
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PWD
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 257 "/century builders/DailyBackup" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Remote file exist check: "Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf".
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] SIZE Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 213 137248768
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] MDTM Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 213 20091001173204
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] STAT Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 213-status of Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf:
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 10-01-09 10:32AM 137248768 Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 213 End of status.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] TYPE A
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 200 Type set to A.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PROT P
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 200 PROT command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PASV
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,91).
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Opening data connection to Port: 55387
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] LIST -aL
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 410 bytes transferred. (3.67 KB/s) (109 ms)
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 226 Transfer complete.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Source File: Size=41231077376, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-09-12T15:43:41, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Destination File: Size=137248768, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-10-01T17:32:04, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] RecentTime=2009-10-01T17:37:46
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] PASV
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,94).
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Opening data connection to Port: 55390
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] REST 137248768
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 350 Restarting at 137248768.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] STOR Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:37:47] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:37:48] Socket send buffer set to 16384 bytes.
[2009-10-01T10:38:36] Socket send buffer set to 32768 bytes.
[2009-10-01T10:53:26] SSL/TLS network error.
[2009-10-01T10:53:26] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[2009-10-01T10:53:26] 137576448 bytes transferred. (143 KB/s) (00:15:38)
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Timeout (60s).
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Client closed the connection.
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Transfer failed.
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Log closed
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Log opened
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.20.10.
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Resolving host name "remote.fresnonetworks.com"
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Connected to remote.fresnonetworks.com.
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] AUTH TLS
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] 234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
[2009-10-01T10:54:26] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] Command channel protection set to Private.
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] PBSZ 0
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 200 PBSZ command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] USER remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 331 Password required for remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl.
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] PASS (hidden)
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 230 User logged in.
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] SYST
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] RTT: 127.219 ms
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] FEAT
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 211-Extended features supported:
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] LANG EN*
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] UTF8
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] PBSZ
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] PROT C;P;
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] CCC
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] HOST
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] SIZE
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] MDTM
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] REST STREAM
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 211 END
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
[2009-10-01T10:54:27] PWD
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] CWD /century builders/DailyBackup
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] PWD
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] 257 "/century builders/DailyBackup" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] Remote file exist check: "Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf".
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T10:54:28] SIZE Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 213 274776064
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] MDTM Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 213 20091001174838
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] STAT Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 213-status of Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf:
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 10-01-09 10:48AM 274776064 Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 213 End of status.
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] TYPE A
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 200 Type set to A.
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] PROT P
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 200 PROT command successful.
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] PASV
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,133).
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] Opening data connection to Port: 55429
[2009-10-01T10:54:29] LIST -aL
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] 410 bytes transferred. (1.35 KB/s) (296 ms)
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] 226 Transfer complete.
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Source File: Size=41231077376, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-09-12T15:43:41, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Destination File: Size=274776064, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-10-01T17:48:38, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] RecentTime=2009-10-01T17:54:26
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] PASV
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,137).
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Opening data connection to Port: 55433
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] REST 274776064
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] 350 Restarting at 274776064.
[2009-10-01T10:54:30] STOR Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T10:54:31] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[2009-10-01T10:54:31] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T10:54:31] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T10:54:31] Socket send buffer set to 16384 bytes.
[2009-10-01T10:54:35] Socket send buffer set to 32768 bytes.
[2009-10-01T10:54:35] Socket send buffer set to 65536 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:10:32] Transfer Timeout (60s). Closing data connection.
[2009-10-01T11:10:32] 139755520 bytes transferred. (141 KB/s) (00:16:01)
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Timeout (60s).
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Client closed the connection.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Transfer failed.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Log closed
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Log opened
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.20.10.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Resolving host name "remote.fresnonetworks.com"
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Connected to remote.fresnonetworks.com.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] AUTH TLS
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] 234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] Command channel protection set to Private.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] PBSZ 0
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] 200 PBSZ command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:11:33] USER remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 331 Password required for remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl.
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] PASS (hidden)
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 230 User logged in.
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] SYST
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] RTT: 135.677 ms
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] FEAT
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 211-Extended features supported:
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] LANG EN*
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] UTF8
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] PBSZ
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] PROT C;P;
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] CCC
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] HOST
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] SIZE
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] MDTM
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] REST STREAM
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 211 END
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] PWD
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] CWD /century builders/DailyBackup
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:11:34] PWD
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 257 "/century builders/DailyBackup" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] Remote file exist check: "Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf".
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] SIZE Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 213 414449664
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] MDTM Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 213 20091001180522
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] STAT Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 213-status of Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf:
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 10-01-09 11:05AM 414449664 Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 213 End of status.
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] TYPE A
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 200 Type set to A.
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] PROT P
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 200 PROT command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] PASV
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,193).
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] Opening data connection to Port: 55489
[2009-10-01T11:11:35] LIST -aL
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 226 Transfer complete.
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 410 bytes transferred. (1.83 KB/s) (218 ms)
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Source File: Size=41231077376, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-09-12T15:43:41, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Destination File: Size=414449664, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-10-01T18:05:22, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] RecentTime=2009-10-01T18:11:33
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] PASV
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,216,194).
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Opening data connection to Port: 55490
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] REST 414449664
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 350 Restarting at 414449664.
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] STOR Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:11:36] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:11:37] Socket send buffer set to 16384 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:11:38] Socket send buffer set to 32768 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:11:38] Socket send buffer set to 65536 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:27:38] Transfer Timeout (60s). Closing data connection.
[2009-10-01T11:27:38] 103366656 bytes transferred. (104 KB/s) (00:16:02)
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Timeout (60s).
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Client closed the connection.
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Transfer failed.
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Log closed
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Log opened
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.20.10.
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Resolving host name "remote.fresnonetworks.com"
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] Connected to remote.fresnonetworks.com.
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-10-01T11:28:38] AUTH TLS
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] 234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] Command channel protection set to Private.
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] PBSZ 0
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] 200 PBSZ command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] USER remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] 331 Password required for remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl.
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] PASS (hidden)
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] 230 User logged in.
[2009-10-01T11:28:39] SYST
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] RTT: 158.905 ms
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] FEAT
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 211-Extended features supported:
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] LANG EN*
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] UTF8
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] PBSZ
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] PROT C;P;
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] CCC
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] HOST
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] SIZE
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] MDTM
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] REST STREAM
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 211 END
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] PWD
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] CWD /century builders/DailyBackup
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] PWD
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] 257 "/century builders/DailyBackup" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] Remote file exist check: "Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf".
[2009-10-01T11:28:40] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] SIZE Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] 213 517734400
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] MDTM Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] 213 20091001182228
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] STAT Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:28:41] 213-status of Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf:
[2009-10-01T11:28:42] 10-01-09 11:22AM 517734400 Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:28:42] 213 End of status.
[2009-10-01T11:28:42] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[2009-10-01T11:28:42] TYPE A
[2009-10-01T11:28:42] 200 Type set to A.
[2009-10-01T11:28:42] PROT P
[2009-10-01T11:28:43] 200 PROT command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:28:43] PASV
[2009-10-01T11:28:43] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,217,3).
[2009-10-01T11:28:43] Opening data connection to Port: 55555
[2009-10-01T11:28:43] LIST -aL
[2009-10-01T11:28:44] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
[2009-10-01T11:28:47] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:28:47] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:28:47] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] 226 Transfer complete.
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] 410 bytes transferred. (340 bytes/s) (00:00:01)
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] Source File: Size=41231077376, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-09-12T15:43:41, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] Destination File: Size=517734400, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-10-01T18:22:28, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] RecentTime=2009-10-01T18:28:38
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T11:28:48] PASV
[2009-10-01T11:28:49] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,217,1).
[2009-10-01T11:28:49] Opening data connection to Port: 55553
[2009-10-01T11:28:49] REST 517734400
[2009-10-01T11:28:49] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:28:49] 350 Restarting at 517734400.
[2009-10-01T11:28:49] STOR Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:28:50] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[2009-10-01T11:28:50] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:28:50] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:29:38] Socket send buffer set to 16384 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:29:38] Socket send buffer set to 32768 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:29:38] Socket send buffer set to 65536 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:33:18] Socket send buffer set to 131072 bytes.
[2009-10-01T11:44:49] SSL/TLS network error.
[2009-10-01T11:44:49] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[2009-10-01T11:44:49] 103464960 bytes transferred. (105 KB/s) (00:15:59)
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Timeout (60s).
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Client closed the connection.
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Transfer failed.
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Log closed
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Log opened
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.20.10.
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Resolving host name "remote.fresnonetworks.com"
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Connected to remote.fresnonetworks.com.
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] AUTH TLS
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] 234 AUTH command ok. Expecting TLS Negotiation.
[2009-10-01T11:45:49] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] Command channel protection set to Private.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PBSZ 0
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 200 PBSZ command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] USER remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 331 Password required for remote.fresnonetworks.com|ftpuserssl.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PASS (hidden)
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 230 User logged in.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] SYST
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] RTT: 46.810 ms
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] FEAT
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 211-Extended features supported:
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] LANG EN*
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] UTF8
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PBSZ
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PROT C;P;
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] CCC
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] HOST
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] SIZE
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] MDTM
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] REST STREAM
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 211 END
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PWD
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] CWD /century builders/DailyBackup
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PWD
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 257 "/century builders/DailyBackup" is current directory.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] Remote file exist check: "Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf".
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] SIZE Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 213 621051904
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] MDTM Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 213 20091001183942
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] STAT Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 213-status of Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf:
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 10-01-09 11:39AM 621051904 Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 213 End of status.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] TYPE A
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 200 Type set to A.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PROT P
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 200 PROT command successful.
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] PASV
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,217,75).
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] Opening data connection to Port: 55627
[2009-10-01T11:45:50] LIST -aL
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] TLS encrypted session established.
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] 410 bytes transferred. (3.67 KB/s) (109 ms)
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] 226 Transfer complete.
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Source File: Size=41231077376, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-09-12T15:43:41, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Destination File: Size=621051904, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-10-01T18:39:42, TimeFormat=Exact
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] RecentTime=2009-10-01T18:45:49
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] TYPE I
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] PASV
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] 227 Entering Passive Mode (173,10,235,91,217,78).
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Opening data connection to Port: 55630
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] REST 621051904
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] 350 Restarting at 621051904.
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] STOR Friday Full Daily Backup.bkf
[2009-10-01T11:45:51] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

It seems to be a problem with your server. Try to enable the "Send NOOP during transfer" option in the FTP->Transfer dialog.

And please install the latest version of SmartFTP: https://www.smartftp.com/download

Tried the upgrade and changing the noop setting. Same result. I don't see anything is IIS for a timeout. This is a brand new Windows 2008, IIS 7.0 server. Guess I'll keep looking around. Thanks for the suggestions.

It might be your NAT router. Some faulty ones think if they see nothing sent through the control connection the connection timed out.

On another note - is there a way to have the log file overwritten each day?

You are right - the Sonicwall has a default timeout of 15 minutes of inactivity. I am adjusting this now.

log file: There is no rollover implemented.
