extremely slow delete action


My smartFTP has slowed to a crawl when it comes to deleting files.

Where other FTP clients literally zipp through the deleting of files (in my case a JOOMLA based web site) smartFTP just crawls throught it seems to be grinding to a halt, spendin hours to do what others (I am comparing this to FileZilla at the moment) do in minutes.

What can this be?

I am using SmartFTP v3.0.1027.7 on a Windows XP box.


Nik C

This has been improved in the latest version we will release this week.

This has been improved in the latest version we will release this week.

Thanks for letting me know. Am I right that this was not bad before? I remember not having such problems before with smartFTP (or I would not have been able to switch to it a couple of years ago....)

Looking forward to the latest version. Will you let us users know in an email?

Nik C

Dear Nik ..

Yes we will announce in the email list.

If you prefer you can add your email address to the announcement list:


The new version is available now: