Upload not respecting Keep File Time setting

When I upload files the timestamp is being set to the server's current time, even thoiugh I've set it to retain the source file's timestamp.
I've set Keep File Time to Enable for the Default Favorite, and in each Favorite to Use Default Settings. I have no problem in the reverse Download direction, where the timestamps are retained.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Example log:
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] Log opened
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.17.32.
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] Resolving host name ""
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] Connecting to Port: 21
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] Connected to
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] HOST
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 500 'HOST': command not understood
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] USER xor
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 331 Password required for xor.
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] PASS (hidden)
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 230 User xor logged in.
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] SYST
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 215 Windows_NT
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] RTT: 29.110 ms
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] FEAT
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 211-FEAT
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] SIZE
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] MDTM
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 211 END
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] TYPE I
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] 200 Type set to I.
[2009-06-06T15:02:42] REST 0
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 350 Restarting at 0.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] PWD
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] CWD /xor_ftp/emtoolkit_1/asp_test
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 250 CWD command successful.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] PWD
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 257 "/xor_ftp/emtoolkit_1/asp_test" is current directory.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] PASV
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 227 Entering Passive Mode (78,153,203,69,13,44).
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] Opening data connection to Port: 3372
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] STOR check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 1636 bytes transferred. (34.7 KB/s) (46 ms)
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 226 Transfer complete.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] MDTM 20090606122113 check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 550 20090606122113 check_case_version.asp: The system cannot find the file specified.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] MFMT 20090606122113 check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 500 'MFMT 20090606122113 check_case_version.asp': command not understood
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] SITE UTIME check_case_version.asp 20090606122113 20090606122113 20090606122113 UTC
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 500 'SITE UTIME check_case_version.asp 20090606122113 20090606122113 20090606122113 UTC': command not understood
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] SITE UTIME 20090606122113 check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 500 'SITE UTIME 20090606122113 check_case_version.asp': command not understood
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] SIZE check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 213 1636
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] STAT check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 213-status of check_case_version.asp:
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 06-06-09 03:03PM 1636 check_case_version.asp
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] 213 End of status.
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] Source File Size = 1636, Destination File Size = 1636
[2009-06-06T15:02:43] Log closed

Your FTP server does not support the "set file time" feature.