Always "Copy and Replace" without prompt?

Have checked the preference menu but can not see anything to enable "Copy and Replace" without a prompt.
I would like to ALWAYS have "copy and replace" without ever being prompted. Is this possible?

After dragging a file for transfer, an "Info" line appears which states:
"The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. To start or show the Transfer Queue click here...."
Is it possible to have that NOT appear, ever?


Q: How to automatically use the file exist rules instead of the showing the file exist dialogs?
A: Go to the favorite settings. menu: Favorites -> Edit Favorites. Locate your favorite. Right-click on it then select Properties from the context menu. Then go to the Transfer -> File Exist dialog. Set the first option to Use Automatic Rules.
If you want to change the default behavior change the option in the default favorite: Go to the menu: Tools -> Settings. Then in the General -> Favorites dialog click on Edit button in the Default Favorite section.

>"The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. To start or show the Transfer Queue click here...."
Start the transfer queue and leave it started. Did you hide the transfer queue window?

Auto-overwrite: that worked like I charm. I really did try to find it on my own. Thanks for the step-by-step.

Transfer queue: Yep, had it closed (clean interface). If I have it open but squashed down to the bottom of the screen, I don't get the popup and the interface is still pretty clean.

Thanks again!

There is a registry setting to disable the queue breadcrumb:

Description: Shows breadcrumb when queue is hidden or stopped
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Settings\Interface
Name: Show Queue Breadcrumb
Value: 0=do not show. 1=show
Default: 1 (show breadcrumb)

For this to work you need to install the latest version from here:
