Program Crashes before opening


SmartFTP Version: Latest and BETA
Windows OS: Vista Home
WinDbg Output:

My .dmp files are over 200mb :/ I will upload these if it's really necessary.

SmartFTP used to work perfectly fine, until I tried to import a backup. That's when things went pear shaped. I am no longer able to use the program

When I try to open SmartFTP on my laptop all I get is this error:

I've tried complete uninstalling SmartFTP, reinstalling it many times. I've tried removing all registry keys, searching for all smartftp files and folders and deleting them. Nothing I do seems to work. Is there a guide out there for completely manually removing SmartFTP?

Any help would be appreciated.

Please upload the dumps (crash from the latest beta) to or any other server of your preference.

Thank you.

Thank you.

If you install the latest version:
It will now longer crash but the Favorites Browser window will be empty. This is because you have an orphaned desktop.ini from SmartFTP in a wrong folder. To fix this problem delete the desktop.ini in the C:\Users\Jason.Laptop-JF\AppData\Roaming folder.

If you don't see the file you have to change the Windows Explorer folder options. Start Windows Explorer. Go to the menu Tools->Folder Options. Then go to the View tab and enable [x] Show Hidden files and uncheck [ ] Hide protected operationg system files.


Thanks, it's working now. :-)