Large file upload keeps restarting

I am trying to upload a file that is about 432mb. I'll start it uploading (which typically takes 2 hours or so) and leave. Unfortunately, SmartFTP will upload the file then, upon completion, restart uploading. It will do this forever if I let it. I've started the upload before going to bed and it will have restarted several times throughout the night.

Since it takes 2 hours, I'll notice that the ftp command log will say that the connection timed out (which is set to 60 seconds) but the upload will keep going. The only solution I've found is that as long as 'refresh' the connection and force the ftp log to show as being connected upon upload completion, it will not try to restart it. This is very annoying to have to do, though. It's as if SmartFTP is trying to confirm upload completion by looking for the file, but since the connection had been closed, it's unable to so it restarts.

Is there any way to reconfigure SmartFTP to not restart the upload if the normal connection (versus the upload connection, if that makes sense) has timed out?

If this happens again, I'll post my transfer log, but I am going to try to not let it happen again. I can't afford another 2 hours on this upload.

Please post the log here.

I have same problem.
Used to work OK until recently. (sorry cannot tell exactly when this happen. First time i noticed was start of October)
file sizes about 60 MB

Post the log from the transfer queue here.

Here it is

[21:06:59] MLST <FileName>.mp3
[21:07:00] 250-Begin
[21:07:00] type=file;size=58014836;modify=20081103083638;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=1001;UNIX.
gid=102;unique=304g3d8005; <FileName>.mp3
[21:07:00] 250 End.
[21:07:31] NOOP
[21:07:32] 200 Zzz...
[21:08:03] NOOP
[21:08:04] 200 Zzz...
[21:08:34] NOOP
[21:08:39] 200 Zzz...
[21:09:09] NOOP
[21:09:09] 200 Zzz...
[21:09:39] NOOP
[21:09:40] 200 Zzz...
[21:10:10] NOOP
[21:10:11] 200 Zzz...
[21:10:42] NOOP
[21:10:54] 200 Zzz...
[21:11:24] NOOP
[21:11:25] 200 Zzz...
[21:11:56] NOOP
[21:11:56] 200 Zzz...
[21:12:26] NOOP
[21:12:27] 200 Zzz...
[21:12:57] NOOP
[21:12:58] 200 Zzz...
[21:13:28] NOOP
[21:13:29] 200 Zzz...
[21:13:59] NOOP
[21:14:00] 200 Zzz...
[21:14:31] NOOP
[21:14:32] 200 Zzz...
[21:15:02] NOOP
[21:15:04] 200 Zzz...
[21:15:34] NOOP
[21:15:36] 200 Zzz...
[21:16:06] NOOP
[21:16:08] 200 Zzz...
[21:16:38] NOOP
[21:16:40] 200 Zzz...
[21:17:10] NOOP
[21:17:12] 200 Zzz...
[21:17:42] NOOP
[21:17:44] 200 Zzz...
[21:18:14] NOOP
[21:18:16] 200 Zzz...
[21:18:46] NOOP
[21:18:48] 200 Zzz...
[21:19:18] NOOP
[21:19:19] 200 Zzz...
[21:19:50] NOOP
[21:19:52] 200 Zzz...
[21:20:23] NOOP
[21:20:25] 200 Zzz...
[21:20:56] NOOP
[21:20:59] 200 Zzz...
[21:21:29] NOOP
[21:21:30] 200 Zzz...
[21:22:01] NOOP
[21:22:03] 200 Zzz...
[21:22:35] NOOP
[21:22:37] 200 Zzz...
[21:23:08] NOOP
[21:23:10] 200 Zzz...
[21:23:40] NOOP
[21:23:43] 200 Zzz...
[21:24:14] NOOP
[21:24:16] 200 Zzz...
[21:24:46] NOOP
[21:24:48] 200 Zzz...
[21:25:18] NOOP
[21:25:20] 200 Zzz...
[21:25:50] NOOP
[21:25:51] 200 Zzz...
[21:26:22] NOOP
[21:26:23] 200 Zzz...
[21:26:54] NOOP
[21:26:55] 200 Zzz...
[21:27:25] NOOP
[21:27:27] 200 Zzz...
[21:27:57] NOOP
[21:27:58] 200 Zzz...
[21:28:28] NOOP
[21:28:30] 200 Zzz...
[21:29:00] NOOP
[21:29:02] 200 Zzz...
[21:29:33] NOOP
[21:29:34] 200 Zzz...
[21:30:05] NOOP
[21:30:06] 200 Zzz...
[21:30:36] NOOP
[21:30:38] 200 Zzz...
[21:31:08] NOOP
[21:31:10] 200 Zzz...
[21:31:40] NOOP
[21:31:41] 200 Zzz...
[21:32:11] NOOP
[21:32:13] 200 Zzz...
[21:32:44] NOOP
[21:32:45] 200 Zzz...
[21:33:15] NOOP
[21:33:16] 200 Zzz...
[21:33:47] NOOP
[21:33:48] 200 Zzz...
[21:34:18] NOOP
[21:34:20] 200 Zzz...
[21:34:50] NOOP
[21:34:52] 200 Zzz...
[21:35:22] NOOP
[21:35:24] 200 Zzz...
[21:35:54] NOOP
[21:35:56] 200 Zzz...
[21:36:26] NOOP
[21:36:28] 200 Zzz...
[21:36:58] NOOP
[21:37:00] 200 Zzz...
[21:37:30] NOOP
[21:37:32] 200 Zzz...
[21:38:02] NOOP
[21:38:04] 421 Timeout (no operation for 1800 seconds)
[21:38:04] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[21:38:04] Client closed the connection.
[22:21:37] Resolving host name ""
[22:21:37] Connecting to Port: 21
[22:21:37] Connected to
[22:21:40] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
[22:21:40] 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
[22:21:40] 220-Local time is now 04:52. Server port: 21.
[22:21:40] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[22:21:40] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[22:21:40] USER <username>
[22:21:41] 331 User <username> OK. Password required
[22:21:41] PASS (hidden)
[22:21:43] 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
[22:21:43] 230-User <username> has group access to: 102
[22:21:43] 230-OK. Current directory is /
[22:21:43] 230 2216202 Kbytes used (86%) - authorized: 2560000 Kb
[22:21:43] SYST
[22:21:44] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[22:21:44] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[22:21:44] FEAT
[22:21:45] 211-Extensions supported:
[22:21:45] EPRT
[22:21:45] IDLE
[22:21:45] MDTM
[22:21:45] SIZE
[22:21:45] REST STREAM
[22:21:45] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[22:21:45] MLSD
[22:21:45] TVFS
[22:21:45] ESTP
[22:21:45] PASV
[22:21:45] EPSV
[22:21:45] SPSV
[22:21:45] ESTA
[22:21:45] 211 End.
[22:21:45] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[22:21:45] PWD
[22:21:46] 257 "/" is your current location
[22:21:47] MLST <FileName>.mp3
[22:21:48] 250-Begin
[22:21:48] type=file;size=58014836;modify=20081103095126;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=1001;UNIX.
gid=102;unique=304g3d8005; <FileName>.mp3
[22:21:48] 250 End.
[22:22:18] NOOP
[22:22:18] 200

Please post the log from the transfer queue. To get it double click the file that restarts.


same problem for me too.. =) this problem is not yet resolved. =)

Hello Mat,

sorry for delay,
I think this problem happens if transfer takes more than 30 minutes
here is the log file:

[14:17:23] Remote file exist check: "<FILE NAME>".
[14:17:23] MLST <FILE NAME>
[14:17:23] 550 Can't check for file existence
[14:17:23] TYPE I
[14:17:23] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[14:17:23] PASV
[14:17:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (72,236,163,39,120,46)
[14:17:23] Opening data connection to Port: 30766
[14:17:23] STOR <FILE NAME>
[14:17:24] 150 Accepted data connection
[14:48:27] 67658795 bytes transferred. (35.4 KB/s) (00:31:03)
[14:49:27] Timeout (60s).
[14:49:27] Active Help:
[14:49:27] Client closed the connection.
[14:49:27] Transfer failed.
[14:49:27] Resolving host name ""
[14:49:27] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:49:27] Connected to
[14:49:27] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
[14:49:27] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[14:49:27] 220-Local time is now 21:17. Server port: 21.
[14:49:27] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[14:49:27] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of

What you see is pretty common and should not cause any problems. Your transfers are automatically resumed if your server disconnects you or if a timeout occurs.


I do not fully understand.

So this is a server issue?
Server disconnects after 30 minutes?

Problem is that file is not stored on the server. and after SmartFTP finished transferring, it is starts again....

If however, I click End button at SmartFTP transfer window just when 1 sec left. File is stored on the server OK

Can it be fixed from a client side?

You can try to enable the "Send NOOP during transfer" option in the favorite properties
1. Go to the menu Favorites ->Edit Favorites
2. Look for your favorite (check the Quick Connect folder)
3. Right-click on the favorite and select Properties
4. Go to the FTP->Transfer dialog
5. Change the "Send NOOP during transfer" option to Enable


I am having same problem. The NOOP solution does not work...?

Please post the log from the transfer queue.

Please post the log from the transfer queue.

Here is the log when I tried and failed to upload photo9.tar a 270MB file....

[17:25:26] Resolving host name "xx.xx.xx.xx"
[17:25:26] Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xx Port: 21
[17:25:26] Connected to xx.xx.xx.xx.
[17:25:26] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD) [xx.xx.xx.xx]
[17:25:26] USER <USERNAME>
[17:25:26] 331 Password required for <USERNAME>
[17:25:26] PASS (hidden)
[17:25:26] 230 User <USERNAME> logged in
[17:25:26] SYST
[17:25:26] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:25:26] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:25:26] RTT: 22.046 ms
[17:25:26] FEAT
[17:25:27] 211-Features:
[17:25:27] MDTM
[17:25:27] REST STREAM
[17:25:27] SIZE
[17:25:27] 211 End
[17:25:27] PWD
[17:25:27] 257 "/" is the current directory
[17:25:27] CWD /httpdocs/photo
[17:25:27] 250 CWD command successful
[17:25:27] PWD
[17:25:27] 257 "/httpdocs/photo" is the current directory
[17:25:27] Remote file exist check: "photo9.tar".
[17:25:27] TYPE I
[17:25:27] 200 Type set to I
[17:25:27] SIZE photo9.tar
[17:25:27] 550 photo9.tar: No such file or directory
[17:25:27] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[17:25:27] PASV
[17:25:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,161,95).
[17:25:27] Opening data connection to xx.xx.xx.xx Port: 41311
[17:25:27] STOR photo9.tar
[17:25:27] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for photo9.tar
[17:30:07] Transfer Timeout (60s). Closing data connection.
[17:30:07] 9732096 bytes transferred. (33.8 KB/s) (00:04:40)
[17:30:16] 226 Transfer complete
[17:30:16] MDTM 20090120210423 photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 550 20090120210423 photo9.tar: No such file or directory
[17:30:16] MFMT 20090120210423 photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 500 MFMT not understood
[17:30:16] SITE UTIME photo9.tar 20090120210423 20090120210423 20090120210423 UTC
[17:30:16] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[17:30:16] SITE UTIME 20090120210423 photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[17:30:16] Transfer failed.
[17:30:16] Remote file exist check: "photo9.tar".
[17:30:16] SIZE photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 213 9732096
[17:30:16] MDTM photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 213 20090122173006
[17:30:16] Source File: Size=276766720, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-01-20T21:04:23, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:30:16] Destination File: Size=9732096, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-01-22T17:30:06, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:30:16] RecentTime=2009-01-22T17:30:16
[17:30:16] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[17:30:16] PASV
[17:30:16] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,198,100).
[17:30:16] Opening data connection to xx.xx.xx.xx Port: 50788
[17:30:16] REST 9732096
[17:30:16] 350 Restarting at 9732096. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
[17:30:16] STOR photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 451 photo9.tar: Append/Restart not permitted, try again
[17:30:16] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (62 ms)
[17:30:16] Restart not permitted. Overwriting the file.
[17:30:16] Transfer failed.
[17:30:16] PASV
[17:30:16] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,141,39).
[17:30:16] Opening data connection to xx.xx.xx.xx Port: 36135
[17:30:16] STOR photo9.tar
[17:30:16] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for photo9.tar

The transfer times out (network problem). Then your server doesn't support resume (server problem).
