Large transfers crap out

Why doe's almost every large transfer over about 500MB crap out on me:

[15:17:36] Resolving host name ""

[15:17:36] Connecting to X.X.X.X Port: 21

[15:17:36] Connected to

[15:17:37] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD) [X.X.X.X]

[15:17:37] USER user

[15:17:37] 331 Password required for download

[15:17:37] PASS (hidden)

[15:17:37] 230 User user logged in

[15:17:37] SYST

[15:17:37] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[15:17:37] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[15:17:37] TYPE I

[15:17:37] 200 Type set to I

[15:17:37] REST 0

[15:17:37] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer

[15:17:37] PWD

[15:17:37] 257 "/" is the current directory

[15:17:37] CWD /httpdocs/Folder

[15:17:37] 250 CWD command successful

[15:17:37] PWD

[15:17:37] 257 "/httpdocs/Folder" is the current directory

[15:17:37] Remote file exist check: "File.avi".

[15:17:37] SIZE File.avi

[15:17:37] 550 File.avi: No such file or directory

[15:17:37] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.

[15:17:37] PASV

[15:17:37] 227 Entering Passive Mode (X,X,X,X,202,204).

[15:17:37] Opening data connection to X.X.X.X Port: 51916

[15:17:37] STOR File.avi

[15:17:37] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for File.avi

[16:30:00] 561372274 bytes transferred. (126 KB/s) (01:12:22)

[16:45:00] Timeout (900s).

[16:45:00] Client closed the connection.

[16:45:00] Transfer failed.

Timeouts are normal and the transfer is automatically resumed. Please post the complete log showing the resume attempt.


When it resumes it starts all over at the beginning...

Install the latest version from:

Then post the complete log.

Only times I have experienced failed resumes is when I don't have the append/resume permission on the ftp server.

Can this be the case?

jalmz: Please post the complete log from the transfer queue item.


jalmz: Please post the complete log from the transfer queue item.


ok i will post the log here..

thanks for the quick reply mb