SmartFTP Lockup

Today I was uploading a bunch of stuff you my FTP server and then my transfer queue froze and pretty much seemed like SmartFTP froze, so I killed the task and relaunch to finish the transfer, now I have no favorites and all of the settings seem to be back to defaults. Is there anyway of getting them all back or is my only chance a back of all my settings from version 2.5?


What version of SmartFTP are you using? Menu: Help->About "System Information"

With version 3.0 it is impossible that you will lose your favorites when SmartFTP crashes because the favorites are saved as individual files on your computer. The favorites can be found in the menu: Favorites.


I would not say impossible...

The other night I let SmartFTP opened (system tray) and put Vista to sleep (no hybrid, just in memory since it is faster).

Last morining, after a thunderstorm, my nobreak stopped working let my PC without energy.

After replacing the nobreak, I restart everything including SmartFTP. For my surprise all Favorites were gone. The local SmartFTP Favorites folder was empty.

Fortunately I found a "Favorites.old" folder with all my Favorites.

Now I set SmartFTP to make weekly backups.

All this happened with Version 3.0.1021.3.

Please submit a reproducible case to support your claims.

There is no function in SmartFTP which deletes the favorite files unless you manually delete them.


That was not exactly a claim just a report of what happened here this week and I didn't want to blame SmartFTP for that...

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 2193 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1021.7
Time Stamp : 2008-07-30 04:23:37
Platform : x86

And if it doesn't delete the favorites where are they saved? Because mine are gone and I'm kinda pissed right now that everything has gone missing just because I did a end task on SmartFTP...

By default the favorites are saved in the %AppData%\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Favorites folder. If you change this folder (intentionally or unintentionally) they are saved somewhere else of course.

If they are not in this folder they are probably somewhere else but SmartFTP cannot find them since the folder to the favorites has been changed. You can search for *.xml on your computer.


I looked and found them where you said but the folder was called .old after a rename they came back but all my options are trashed.

Hello ..

Settings stored in the registry may get lost depending how SmartFTP crashes. If you can reproduce this please let us know how and we can fix it.


I just wanted to let you know that I have found the problem why the favorites folder got renamed. If my assumption is correct SmartFTP crashed the first time you have started it after you upgraded to the latest version. Is this correct?


No I've been running version 3 for about 2 months now.

In this case I don't know. Maybe your registry got corruped and SmartFTP did the upgrades again.

Do you think that in my case SmartFTP also renamed the Favorites due some registry/setting issue?

I'm asking that because Favorites.old folder had the most recent changes I did in some of my favorite items.

Maybe, I said maybe , there's a small room for improvements after a crash followed by corrupted settings.

Anyway, I tried to kill SmartFTP process twice but everything started fine so I can find a pattern here.

Well I wish I could give you more information, but as of right now I've been using SmartFTP for many years and never had it lockup on me before last night. The biggest thing was my favorites that went missing, but I was able to get them back and I've been slowing working on getting all my options and rules back into place. I also enabled the daily backup of all settings so hopefully if it happens again I'll just be able to restore.

The only real thing I can thing of is the large transfer queue (something like 14,000 items to be uploaded) caused it to lock up. But right now I have not tried to re upload all that data yet. When I get to that point I will take a screen shoot and check the logging functions and see if anything is there of any importance.
