Just updated again, and...*weeping*

Okay. Can somebody please explain to me why I'm losing tools with each upgrade? The version from like two back or more allowed me to set a master list of forced ascii files to use. I downgraded once I discovered that while running on XP, but, now, on Vista, I pretty much have to use the latest greatest. So I am dutifully upgrading each an every release. So, now, with the last upgrade (not even talking the one I just did tonight, I had to set them in each QuickConnect domain I'm uploading to? Why?

Is there anyway to set a default set of forced ascii uploads as default? Preferably an easy way?

Now, more lost tools with this new upgrade I did today. Why has that nice Q button in the center bar between the remote browsers and the local browser disappeared? How do I get it back? Why did you remove it?


Hello ..

To set a default ascii list which will be used for every favorite by default go to the menu: Favorites -> Edit Favorites. Then go to the menu: Tools->Edit Default Favorite.

The Transfer Queue is the only transfer method in version 3.0 that's why the Q button to choose between direct and queue is obsolete.


Hello ..

To set a default ascii list which will be used for every favorite by default go to the menu: Favorites -> Edit Favorites. Then go to the menu: Tools->Edit Default Favorite.

The Transfer Queue is the only transfer method in version 3.0 that's why the Q button to choose between direct and queue is obsolete.


So do I have to move all my QuickConnect domains to default Favorites or will using the Favs > Edit Favs | Tools > Edit Default Favoite work on all the domains I have in the QuickConnect list?

Also, I didn't think forced ascii was supported by the Transfer Queue and I do a LOT of forced ascii uploads and downloads.

Sorry for being stupid here. I tried the KB, but it took me here.

Hello ...

Yes you only need to edit the Ascii list in the default favorite since all your other favorites inherit the settings from the default favorite by default.

The transfer queue supports "forced ascii". You can either select the ascii mode in the remote browser or if it is set to auto then the transfer queue will use the ascii list in the favorite settings.


Hello ...

Yes you only need to edit the Ascii list in the default favorite since all your other favorites inherit the settings from the default favorite by default.

The transfer queue supports "forced ascii". You can either select the ascii mode in the remote browser or if it is set to auto then the transfer queue will use the ascii list in the favorite settings.


Thank you for your time and patience. I appreciate you clarity and promptness.

DLKeur, www.zentao.com and thedeepening.com