I can't use Smart FTP

EVer since I purchased Smart FTP 3.0 I can't use it. Whatever message comes up goes by too fast for me to read but the there is no message to indicate any attempt was made at the file transfer. I tried to retransfer a file and this is what I got:

[22:49:25] Connecting to Port: 21
[22:49:25] Connected to ftp.katzgardengloves.com.
[22:49:25] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[22:49:25] 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
[22:49:25] 220-Local time is now 00:49. Server port: 21.
[22:49:25] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[22:49:25] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[22:49:25] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[22:49:25] USER katzgard
[22:49:25] 331 User katzgard OK. Password required
[22:49:25] PASS (hidden)
[22:49:25] 230-User katzgard has group access to: katzgard
[22:49:25] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[22:49:25] SYST
[22:49:26] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[22:49:26] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[22:49:26] FEAT
[22:49:26] 211-Extensions supported:
[22:49:26] EPRT
[22:49:26] IDLE
[22:49:26] MDTM
[22:49:26] SIZE
[22:49:26] REST STREAM
[22:49:26] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[22:49:26] MLSD
[22:49:26] ESTP
[22:49:26] PASV
[22:49:26] EPSV
[22:49:26] SPSV
[22:49:26] ESTA
[22:49:26] AUTH TLS
[22:49:26] PBSZ
[22:49:26] PROT
[22:49:26] 211 End.
[22:49:26] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[22:49:26] PWD
[22:49:26] 257 "/" is your current location
[22:49:27] CWD /public_html/includes/templates/classic/css
[22:49:27] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/includes/templates/classic/css
[22:49:27] PWD
[22:49:27] 257 "/public_html/includes/templates/classic/css" is your current location
[22:49:27] MLST login.css
[22:49:27] 250-Begin
[22:49:27] type=file;size=2041;modify=20080329224651;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=32098;UNIX.gid
=32100;unique=802ga0d281; login.css
[22:49:27] 250 End.