File Browser drag & drop stops working

I usually leave SmartFTP open for many hours or even days.
Usually after 6-12 hours the drap and drop from Local to Remote Browser stops working and only the buttons in the middle panel work.
Double clicking on the file from local browser usually would open it for editing (.asp files) but when this happens the double click also stops working and when I do right mouse button over the file, the options that normally show are different. I use Textpad to edit ASP files, when SmartFTP is working properly I can see "Textpad" in the context menu on right mouse click, when the bug occurs, that option is gone and I think a few others too.

To solve it I must close SmartFTP and start it again then the problem is gone but it repeats eventually after many hours.

Looks like a real bug since the normal behaviour changes without any action being taken.

1. System Information are missing
2. Instructions on how to reproduce the bug is missing
3. Install the latest version and try again


3. I have the latest version.

2. Leave SmartFTP open connected to a FTP for the whole day (remote browser on the left, file browser on the right), then try using drag & drop. Also you are no longer able to open any new FTP connections, it sits on the first 2 connection lines and doesn't start to connect. To solve I must close SmartFTP and open it again, then its back to normal until a few hours after. I think 5 hours are enough, I just came back from lunch + a client and left SmartFTP open so I could resume work from my last step when I came back... it didn't work anymore so had to restart. Then it didn't restart, had to kill the process. Then restarted it and couldn't browse to any remote folder, had to close and open for 2 or 3 times until it worked again. And have I yet mentioned that the transfer queue slows down my work a few seconds everytime I need to upload a single file?

1. Uh? Am I supposed to understand what "System Information" means?

I want to know if you are adding an option to turn off the queue in future versions, it slows down my work and I can't have that...

By the way, I tried installing version 2.5 again but it doesn't allow me to install it says I have a newer version...

I don't want to uninstall 3.0 as I have all my favorites there.

Uninstall version 3.0. No favorites will get lost.

However as I wrote in another post the problem you have with version 3.0 has already been fixed:


Looks like I got the latest version or is the update check not working?

SmartFTP Client Update Check
Installed 3.0.1012
Latest 3.0.1012 Change Log

There is no newer version available at the moment. Please try again later.

So it said there was no newer version. Then I installed the one from the link you gave me and guess what, it was newer! Which means the update check is buggy!

In the change log its missing:
- Added new update check bug

SmartFTP Client Update Check
Installed 3.0.1013
Latest 3.0.1012 Change Log

Your version is newer than the one available here.

There is no update check bug. You are confused on how it works. We do not push all patches to the users.

There is no update check bug. You are confused on how it works. We do not push all patches to the users.

Hmm okay. Anyway that last patch seem to have solved the issues. Lets see how it goes from now on! :-)

And what about the Queue, when will I have an option to disable the thing?
Also the toolbar in between the Remote Browser and Local Browser that has 5 buttons, it would be nice if I could choose which buttons to show as sometimes I press the wrong button and it starts moving all the files! I only use the 2 buttons from top "Download" and "Upload" and sometimes the "Synch Navigation" but that doesn't work very well so I stopped using it.

I will post again if I find any more problems. =)

I'm sorry but there are no plans to disable the Transfer Queue.

>Move buttons
We are looking into this. It seems you are not the only user who got confused by the move buttons.


I'm sorry but there are no plans to disable the Transfer Queue.

>Move buttons
We are looking into this. It seems you are not the only user who got confused by the move buttons.


Yeah the buttons are similar and are very close to each other and in our fast paced work it happens to press wrong button by mistake... =)
MS Office has a nice feature of allowing users to choose which buttons to show in every toolbar.

Yesterday I got again annoyed by transfer queue... I was uploading about 320 Mb of files for a HTML Products CD we're making for a client that will also have an online version so then I was trying to work on another FTP and the files went always to the bottom of the queue so I had to manually move them up so they'd be processed... is there some other way to handle this?

Hello Bruno ..

>Copy/move buttons
Please test the new version regarding the move/copy buttons. We have implemented a safe mode now. When enabled the move buttons are hidden. The safe mode is enabled by default.

>Transfer Queue
You can setup a dual transfer environment. Please look at this article: ... f2600.html
