Please describe your problem in details and provide the necessary logs.
Thank you.
OK , I made a new folder called "now" on the server the time when I made it was 11.43 jan 14 - on the server it shows 9.43 PM jan 14 th , the time is off by 2 hrs ...
[23:42:18] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[23:42:18] FEAT
[23:42:19] 211-Features:
[23:42:19] MDTM
[23:42:19] REST STREAM
[23:42:19] SIZE
[23:42:19] AUTH TLS
[23:42:19] PBSZ
[23:42:19] PROT
[23:42:19] 211 End
[23:42:19] PWD
[23:42:20] 257 "/" is current directory.
[23:42:20] CWD /domain
[23:42:21] 250 CWD command successful
[23:42:21] PWD
[23:42:21] 257 "/domain" is current directory.
[23:42:21] TYPE A
[23:42:22] 200 Type set to A
[23:42:22] PORT 142,165,116,200,7,240
[23:42:23] 200 PORT command successful
[23:42:23] LIST -aL
[23:42:24] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:42:24] 975 bytes transferred. (4.68 KB/s) (203 ms)
[23:42:25] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:42:30] CWD /
[23:42:31] 250 CWD command successful
[23:42:31] PWD
[23:42:32] 257 "/" is current directory.
[23:42:32] PORT 142,165,116,200,7,242
[23:42:32] 200 PORT command successful
[23:42:32] LIST -aL
[23:42:33] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:42:33] 2316 bytes transferred. (6.28 KB/s) (360 ms)
[23:42:33] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:42:46] MKD now
[23:42:47] 257 "/now" - Directory successfully created
[23:43:14] CWD /now
[23:43:14] 250 CWD command successful
[23:43:14] PWD
[23:43:15] 257 "/now" is current directory.
[23:43:15] PORT 142,165,116,200,7,249
[23:43:15] 200 PORT command successful
[23:43:15] LIST -aL
[23:43:16] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:43:16] 149 bytes transferred. (3.09 KB/s) (47 ms)
[23:43:17] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:43:17] Remote file exist check: "New Text Document.txt".
[23:43:17] TYPE I
[23:43:18] 200 Type set to I
[23:43:18] SIZE New Text Document.txt
[23:43:18] 550 New Text Document.txt: No such file or directory
[23:43:18] File size check (SIZE) failed. File not found or permission denied.
[23:43:18] PORT 142,165,116,200,7,250
[23:43:19] 200 PORT command successful
[23:43:19] STOR New Text Document.txt
[23:43:20] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for New Text Document.txt
[23:43:20] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (31 ms)
[23:43:20] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:43:20] MDTM 20070115054308 New Text Document.txt
[23:43:20] 550 20070115054308 New Text Document.txt: No such file or directory
[23:43:20] SIZE New Text Document.txt
[23:43:21] 213 0
[23:43:21] TYPE A
[23:43:21] 200 Type set to A
[23:43:21] PORT 142,165,116,200,7,251
[23:43:21] 200 PORT command successful
[23:43:21] LIST -aL
[23:43:23] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:43:23] 243 bytes transferred. (3.04 KB/s) (78 ms)
[23:43:23] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:43:23] Transfer successful.
[23:44:13] NOOP
[23:44:14] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:44:22] CWD /
[23:44:24] 250 CWD command successful
[23:44:24] PWD
[23:44:25] 257 "/" is current directory.
[23:44:25] PORT 142,165,116,200,8,7
[23:44:26] 200 PORT command successful
[23:44:26] LIST -aL
[23:44:28] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:44:28] 2392 bytes transferred. (6.22 KB/s) (375 ms)
[23:44:29] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:45:19] NOOP
[23:45:21] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:46:11] NOOP
[23:46:12] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:47:02] NOOP
[23:47:03] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:47:53] NOOP
[23:47:54] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:47:56] CWD /now
[23:47:56] 250 CWD command successful
[23:47:56] PWD
[23:47:56] 257 "/now" is current directory.
[23:47:56] PORT 142,165,116,200,8,52
[23:47:57] 200 PORT command successful
[23:47:57] LIST -aL
[23:47:57] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:47:57] 243 bytes transferred. (2.52 KB/s) (94 ms)
[23:47:58] 226 Transfer complete.