Cannot Connect, Client Closed Connect, etc. HELLLLP!

So Here's the deal.

[13:11:48] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[13:11:48] Resolving host name ""
[13:11:48] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:11:48] Connected to
[13:12:28] Timeout (40s).
[13:12:28] Active Help:
[13:12:28] Client closed the connection.
[13:12:28] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[13:12:58] Continue to login attempt 2...
[13:12:58] Resolving host name ""
[13:12:58] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:12:58] Connected to
[13:13:38] Timeout (40s).
[13:13:38] Active Help:
[13:13:38] Client closed the connection.
[13:13:38] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

And on and on and on. I have already tried disabling any and all firewall protections with Windows XP and Norton. That doesn't work. Then I tried reinstalling the program and pulling up a new remote browser and putting all of my website information in there again. That didn't work. Then I tried the 'active help' support link that is provided in the error messages above. I went down the sheet and tried every one of those. That didn't work. I am out of options. PLEAASSSSEE SOMEONE HELP ME! I just recently, like in the past 3 days uploaded something else to my website and then all of sudden I can't even connect. Oh, and by the by, I also bought a liscence - that didn't work either. HEEELLLP!!!!

Hello ..

A third part software installed on your computer is blocking SmartFTP from making outgoing connections. The most likely reason is a Norton product. Please add SmartFTP to the exception list in your Norton Firewall product. You can find a tutorial at:
Norton Personal Firewall


Please also take a look at the following forum entry as well: ... t6897.html


Hi Mat,

I also have tried putting SmartFTP on the exceptions list and also then making sure it had 'Permit All' specified on Norton for SmartFTP. It doesn't seem to work. Any more suggestions?

Michael Arnold

Make sure that you have configured the Norton Personal Firewall correctly (did you do everything described in the other forum thread?). Then temporary disable the Norton Personal Firewall software and try again.
Norton's software is causing a lot of problems with any kind of software. Their technical support may also help you to solve the problems their product causes.

Hi Mat,

I have went ahead and tried what you told me and still nothing works. THus I downloaded and installed LEECH FTP to see if that would work (although I am not a fan of LEECH) and that doesn't work either. Do you have anything else that it might be... Oh one more thing, I have recently downloaded and installed the new Internet Explorer 7 Beta. Could that be messing up the FTP exchange even though I really only use the Mozilla Firefox browser?

Hello ..

Uninstall Norton and try again.


Hi Mat,

I tried uninstalling Norton 2006 and reinstalling. I still have the same problem. I don't know what else to do. Any more ideas?


Hello ...

Uninstall all software firewalls / antivirus products and try again. Reinstalling does not fix your problem.


sce: Thank you for your input. But why should this fix the problem? Do you have any background information we don't have? Any references?


sce: Thank you for your input. But why should this fix the problem? Do you have any background information we don't have? Any references?

I have same prob m8 with cute......and windows firewall, so i just turn firewall off whilst using cute and then turn back on.. With NTL firewall i have no prob