Movement of mouse cursor to default button

This is a small matter but it drives me crazy. I have my computer set up so that the mouse cursor automatically moves to the default button in any dialog (this option can be set in the Control Panel mouse applet on most Windows versions --- and on all Windows versions if a sufficiently recent version of Microsoft's Intellipoint software has been installed). This works with almost every program but not with SmartFTP.

With a little investigation, the source of the problem is clear. SmartFTP associates multiple buttons with a given dialog template but only shows a subset of them depending on what the dialog is meant to do. This has led to the lack of any proper default button.

What seems to be happening is that the focus is set to a particular button with SetFocus. To get the mouse to work properly, however, you need to send the DM_SETDEFID message to the dialog instead.

Many thanks for reporting this problem.

Can you post a list of dialogs where you can see the mentioned problem?


Thanks for the reply.

It seems to happen with all of the "Prompt" dialogs (to confirm the closing or deletion of something), e.g., it happens when deleting a file or a Favorite and when closing down SmartFTP.

Incidentally, I noticed it most frequently when closing a Remote Window. I therefore checked the "don't ask again" box so I wouldn't see it. In writing this reply, I attempted to re-enable the prompt window under


but I can't get it back, even after restarting SmartFTP, so that is another thing you might look at.


The "prompts" all use the same window/dialog.

Do you see the problem with the "File Exists/Overwrite" dialog?


I see a slight variation of the same problem. With the Prompt dialogs, the mouse cursor moves to a position below the dialog box. With the File Exists dialog, the mouse cursor moves to the Resume button, which is disabled.

Hello ...

I have fixed the problem for the "Prompts" dialog box. The fix will be available in the next public release of SmartFTP (version 2.0).

Thanks again for reporting.


Excellent news. Thank you. I think SmartFTP is a great program.

Thanks. The problem with the prompt dialogs when closing something is solved. Great.

There is still a problem with the dialog that you asked about, i.e., the "File Exists/Overwrite" dialog. The cursor still goes to the disabled Resume button.

What button do you suggest should the cursor go to in this dialog?


I always look to what Windows does in analogous circumstances in order to maintain a consistency of interface.

In Windows Explorer, if you drag a file to a folder that already has a same-named file, then you are asked if you want to overwrite the file, with Yes and No buttons. Yes is the default. I also have another file manager with limited FTP abilities. It does the same (with both local and FTP operations). Accordingly, I would make Overwrite the default button.

Reinforcing this is the fact that I suspect deliberate overwriting in FTP operations is routine, so making Overwrite the default conforms to user intentions.

If, however, you wanted to give absolute priority to safety, then you would make Skip the default.

Yep. Works great now. Thanks a lot.