Advanced File Exists Section

hi all,

as topic says, an advanced File exist section would be nice.
I would like to choose what to do by default if transferred file is larger, smaller or same.
That would be very nice.


Please implement this in the form of an intersection matrix that allows several choices of action (overwrite, skip, rename, etc.) on name collisions, the intersection being based on file size and file timestamp. For file size the three possible conditions are: larger, same, smaller. For file timestamp the three possible conditions are: newer, same, older.

Thus the matrix would be 3 x 3 yeilding 9 possible collision situations, eg [newer timestamp]x[same filesize], [newer timestamp]x[larger], [newer timestamp]x[smaller], etc. For each collision condition the user should be able to select an action (overwrite, skip, rename, etc.).

There should be two matrixes, one for downloads and one for uploads.

This feature would permit a form/method of synchronizing local and remote filesystems. This would be great for doing ftp based backups of remote sites to a local site.

It's great.
I also need this function.
Likes FlashFXP, already have this function very early.
If SmartFTP have the same function, it will be very nice.

I'm a new user of SmartFTP, coming from WS_FTP LE. I would like to "vote for" the addition of an "overwrite if older" choice in the "On File Exist" section of the Transfer->Files settings. It's one of the few features I miss when using SmartFTP.

Thanks for considering this enhancement.

Yup, I also would like to see some advanced rules existing files.

If this feature is added to SmartFTP, I will gladly purchase a license. There were several little quirks that was stopping me from giving my full support by buying a license. I currently use SmartFTP for doing a lot of work for my church's website, my wife's website, and for my web dev job at home.

I love this program and to date, my only complaints are: the tray icon being clicked once to restore the program (with no option of double clicking) and this feature, to have more (and better) overwrite options.

My company started out using Access databases (yuck!) over 4 years ago for our web based application. Each week, I make a backup of those database files. Unfortunately, my company started out with a guy who wasn't very organized and tracking what is and is not an active db would be a very troublesome task (almost 1300 files). I only need to backup those Access files that have been updated and having this feature would do the job for me.

I currently have to do this in FileZilla. It's the only reason I use FileZilla.

Edit: Just to clarify, I'm more concerned about the date differences, not the file size.

Take a look at the most recent beta version of SmartFTP 2.0, this has already been implemented there, see Tools -> Settings, Transfer -> File Exist:

I agree that date difference is the most important thing when doing a file-exist check.

It's very frustrating that SFTP doesn't have this, even in version 2!

I agree. To me it doesn't matter about the file size. You could easily have edited a file and it came to the same length just by changing one word to another similar one. If the file is smaller, or larger, does that matter? What matters is whether it is newer than the version on the server. (This can also work server-to-local as well, when downloading dynamically created files, such as comments posted on blogs etc.)

I hope you guys will consider this important feature!

Still no feeback on this?

I've switch to Ipswich WSFTP which has a proper date check on file transfers.

Hello ...

Take a look at the newest version:

The Advanced File Exist options have been implemented about 2 months ago.
