My feature request is....

....a lower price for your license. Hear me out, please.

I know you have worked hard. You have a piece of software that you are proud of. You want to be rewarded. And gawd knows, we all need money to live...and to play. And for that 10 gigahertz beastie when it becomes available.

But for me, $29.95 US is a bit beyond for the threshold of pain for a program with such limited utility. I say, utility because while it has many features, the main reason that I am trying it to move files to and from an FTP server.

I suspect, that if you changed the licensing fee to say...$15, your income would actually MORE than double. And if you are uncomfortable with that, make a new version that concentates on the core utility.

One of my favorite providers of shareware is an outfit called High Criteria. They made a wonderful tool called Total Recorder. After years and years, it is still only $11.95. I tell people this and they do not believe me! The same for Melody Assistant by Myriad. $15 for a full feature MIDI sequence, sheet music, and polyphonic synthesiser with features found in other programs (like Cakewalk) for 100's of dollars. They have been quite successful. And again, I tell every musician I know who has a computer and most of them steal Cakewalk instead. Sad, actually.

Think about. And don't respond to me. Just do it. You will like it.

And price at an even number of dollars, like $15. We ain't stupid. Even High Criteria doesn't do that.

But for me, $29.95 US is a bit beyond for the threshold of pain for a program with such limited utility. I say, utility because while it has many features, the main reason that I am trying it to move files to and from an FTP server.

where is your problem with moving files from/to the ftp server o.O


i understand where your coming from with wanting to pay less and/or have them release a lower priced version* of this software but smartFTP is priced for its market. if its something you need you buy it not like if your in some garage band and you wanna record something so you "steal" cakewalk because cakewalk is purchased by people who need it as well and its priced for its market as many music companies purchase it! So if your looking for a cheaper alternative then your looking for lower featured software try looking at or google it and see what you find