General Organization and layout

I just downloaded smartFTP the other day -- I have been using flashfxp for years -- and i was immediately impressed by what is obviously great coding from the installation to the speed and functioning of the program.
and it's POWERFUL!

now, i really want to make the switch from flashfxp to smartftp, but the smartftp layout is just too bizarre and disorganized for me. the interface makes using the program take a lot of unnecessary time manually changing directories, and destinations for downloads/fxp's. i personally think that a layout more similar to flashfxp's would be much better.

the folder trees, for example, are a great idea, but they take up a lot of space. the local folder view's tree pane cannot be hidden.... and why in the world is there a local folder bar AND a local browser? there is waaaaaay too much redundancy in the organization of the program.

preferably, there would be a local browser on the left with a tree/non-tree toggle view, and when files are dragged to a queue, they are not all automatically directed to the default download directory. they should be queued for the selected local directory on the left window, as flashfxp/bpftp does! otherwise you have to change the desired path manually. there shouldn't be such a need for selecting transfer methods from long, complicated drop-down menus.

i have many other suggestions and hopefully i've made some sense... i'm half asleep. but anyway, this program has so much potential, and really impressed me. now if it could only have an interface that made some sense.


p.s. three different types of transferring? direct/session queue/global queue? and QUEUE SOURCE? that's SILLY! it could be so much better.

p.p.s. i really appreciate freeware this good.