editing session queues while transferring

For the love of God, please add this feature.
The only flaw I can see in SmartFTP is that I cannot edit/remove items from the session queue while files are being transferred. It seems like an incredible oversight since every other aspect of the program is close to perfection.

Please tell me there isn't a technical reason why we're locked out of editing queues after we've started a transfer. I don't want to have to move back to LeechFTP.

I agree. I sitll can't understand the lack of functionality in the session queue. I have been waiting for this for quite a while now (see my previous posts/threads complaining about this). I would love to see the session queue have the same features as the global queue so that you can reuse the connection that you are currently using to get a directory listing to download files with all the cool features of the global queue (minus the ability to connect to multiple sites of course).

By same functionality, I just mean similar features and its redundancy. For example, your request would be a start...