Re-use login thread

I am using smartftp now for some time and I am very happy with the program. However I am missing one important option (or I cannot iden tify how to set the option).

I am downloading from ftp servers that only allow 1 login per IP. These servers are normally very busy, therefore login on the server might take upto 12 hours.
After login I select the files to download from the ftp server using the global queue. If I then start the global queue, the queue can not use the login already available but must login again (which might take again upto 12 hours).

I have set Max threads per site to 1 but still the first login to the server is not used.

Smartftp should be able to use the login thread to start the globalqueue

why don't you just use the session queue?

one would belive because it dosent support automaticly reconnect/resuming if he gets disconnected, this is btw my major gripe with smartftp.

I do not want to use the session queue because of the advantages of the global queue . It should be possible to start the global queue on the current session (like leechftp, bitbeamer, etc.)

I second this
I've just begun to use smartFTP in replacement to BitBeamer (successor of LeechFTP for those wondering) ; so far the program looks better overall, but is still lacking some options from bitbeamer (such as the one stated above). I the devs haven't already, they should check bitbeamer to "borrow" some ideas 8)
I'm convinced SmartFTP is bound to be the best win32 FTP client around, but it's not perfect as of yet :wink:
Keep up the good work !

EDIT : another one that would be nice :
To be able to adjust the max # of threads per site on the fly, in the "Connections" tab of the "Transfers" panel
Currently, if i am right, there is only one global setting in "Settings > Queue > Threads > Max threads per site"