Wasted Screen Space


I want to move the icon bar to the row that says file, edit etc but it wont let them be on the same row. This seems like a waste of space and makes the screen appear more cluttered. There might be more pressing issues, but an improvement is an improvement. Could this be corrected?

I also had the same suggestion during the beta phase already, but it seems the main menu is not a standard toolbar that can be used that way ... indeed a pity. For now, I just put the "Standard" toolbar into the same row as the "History" and "Login" toolbars. Let's hope mb / Mike will find a solution anyways :-)

We don't see a problem. Just increase the width of the main window and you can move the main toolbar next to the address toolbar as eyebex suggested. Or you can just hide the main toolbar.

Moving a toolbar next to the menu bar is non standard.


Microsoft Office. Windows Explorer and IE do not offer the same GUI as office.

Some background information for those interested:

Microsoft Office doesn't actually have "Menu Bars". Instead, it uses "Tool Bars" that look like menu bars. Internally, the menu is actually a row of buttons on a tool bar, which is why you can move other buttons up next to it. If you've ever tried to play around with windows theme editors (such as the various DesktopX tools), you'll notice that schemes that apply to menu bars do not affect the menu bar in Office. Accordingly, schemes that affect only tool bars do in fact affect the menu bars in Office.

For SmartFTP to achieve the same effect, the menu bar must be a toolbar in disguise, much like Office did.

Some background information for those interested:

Microsoft Office doesn't actually have "Menu Bars". Instead, it uses "Tool Bars" that look like menu bars. Internally, the menu is actually a row of buttons on a tool bar, which is why you can move other buttons up next to it. If you've ever tried to play around with windows theme editors (such as the various DesktopX tools), you'll notice that schemes that apply to menu bars do not affect the menu bar in Office. Accordingly, schemes that affect only tool bars do in fact affect the menu bars in Office.

For SmartFTP to achieve the same effect, the menu bar must be a toolbar in disguise, much like Office did.

You are right but the Toolkit we use not allows a Toolbar be docked side by side to a Menubar, Office 2003 also not allow a Toolbar side by side to the Menubar. The Windows Explorer uses a control called ReBar who controls the pleace of the Menubar/Toolbar but it not allows flying/docking at any please.

Ok i found a way who allows the Menubar and a Toolbar on the same row, the changes would be available with the next build.

THANK YOU! :-) I knew I just had to wait for another guy to request this feature to get it fulfilled ;-)