upload - cpu usage

hi guys!

like posted before I experience the same problmes with uploading. after some minutes the speed drops from 15 to 3-4 k and the cpu-usage is at a max of 100%.
It was posted before that this bug or a similar (where it occured after finishing an upload) was fixed. I have the latest developer-version but it still doesn

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version           : 1.5.989.9
Time Stamp        : 2005-08-20 22:56:43
This is not the latest SmartFTP version, neither release nor beta, as you claim. Please update the latest release version from my footer and upgrade it with the latest beta version. If the problem still persists, file a proper bug report incl. all necessary logs.

ok, sorry - this was my mistake :?

now I installed the latest version but the problem still persists like described above..
upload starts at a cpu-usage about 40% and increases during some minutes to the max, while upload speed is going down(from my max of around 16k to 3k, but this takes longer [~30min])..

here my system-info again:

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 1998 MHz
Total Memory : 785328 KB
Free Memory : 205644 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 1.5.990.8
Time Stamp : 2005-09-07 16:21:22

+- Application DLL --------------------
Controls.dll : 1.6.990.8
sfFTPLib.dll :
SmartHook.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 1.5.990.8

+- System DLL -------------------------
shell32.dll : 6.00.2800.1556 (xpsp2_gdr.040517-1325)
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2800.1552
comctl32.dll : 6.0 (xpsp2.040410-0905)

riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.1.2600.1347 (xpsp2.040109-1800)

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

what logs do you need?
thnx for your pacience!!

what logs do you need?
The connection and / or queue logs, depending on how you download the files. Please post the logs from the beginning, so we can see what server software is used etc.

ok here it goes:

SmartFTP v1.5.990.8
Resolving host name "********"
Connecting to 212.227.***.***Port: 21
Connected to ********.
220 FTP Server ready.
USER ********
331 Password required for ********.
PASS (hidden)
230 User ********logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
211 End
257 "/" is current directory.
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,227,***,***,251,62).
Opening data connection to 212.227.***.*** Port: 64318
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
1864 bytes transferred. (3,70 KB/s) (491 ms)
226 Transfer complete.
Remote file exist check: '******.rar'.
SIZE *****.rar
213 3401728
MDTM *****.rar
213 20050907164637
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,227,***,***,251,154).
Opening data connection to 212.227.***.***Port: 64410
STOR ******.rar
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ******.rar

ah- the problem occurs if I make the upload via drag and drop and also if I do it the rightclick/select files to upload- way.

I also experienced that I can