XCRC and XMD5 commands detection bug


My ftp server Jafs is supporting (with the latest dev build) the XCRC and XMD5 commands with the following format :

211-Features list:
XCRC "Filename" SP EP
XMD5 "Filename" SP EP
211 End

Since those commands are not RFCed the format is the one used by Gene6 FTP, however it seems to have no effect on smartftp and during transferts the client is never using those
commands to verify file integrity (everything is configured correctly on the smartftp to enable file integrity check)

Looks like you enable those commands only when the server has been identified with the global server features set. Illustration with the following pseudo code :

if ( transfertOK ) {
if ( isG6Server || isRaiden || isTitanServer || .. ) {
if ( isXMD5 )
else if ( isXCRC )

instead of :
if ( transfertOK ) {
if ( isXMD5Supported )
else if ( isXCRCSupported )

The tests have been run on an 1.5.989 build

Hello ...

Please provide a account with read only access to your server and I can tell you where the problem is. Or post the full log of your FTP session.


Well good news, finally Smart ftp detects XCRC support and is sending
XCRC commands (to check file integrity before an upload),
don't know why since i did not change anything to the FEAT response..
I presume i was trying to tests something and that the
behaviour to not send XCRC commands was normal..