over limit? - workfile? -memoryarea? number objects? ??

I am using your SmartFTP v1.1 (swedish) and it have work OK long time.
Today after selecting files, they dont put down i "queue".
Test serveral time = same result.

Test uninstall, restart computer, get from your website beta-version, install.
Test serveral time = same result.
Uninstall, restart computer.

Get latest "normal" version from your website, install + swedish.
Test serveral time = same result.

Then I test to create a new input file with the same program.
Test serveral time = same result.

The I test to split the input file to to input files part 1 and part 2.
Test part 1 = put down i "queue" = bringt it up to my website.
Test part 2 = put down i "queue" = bringt it up to my website.
Test to put the part 1 and part 2 file together in a input file.
Test serveral time = dont put down to "queue".

It seams to me that I have passed any limit in the program, without to get any message.
It it the working file? workingare? memory? other?

Hi, the trouble is only with 1 ftp or with more? if it's with 1 the most likely is some trouble with the encoding of the site

It is 1 ftp
the file contens output fr

Hi i just tryed to add 1888 files to queue without trouble. Can you try with another FTP site, for example installed on your computer?

Please install the latest build


I have installed the version 1.5988 from the link.
But it is still the same problems, noting of selected 1.889 items in the same inputfile are moved to "queue".
I have tested many times.


I dont understand the advice to test another FTP.
Its no problem to upload the object to my website. (two parts uploads)
The problem is that the objects not will be put in "queue"

I test to make a change in the output system = new file.
Even this file have the same result in Smart FTP = no objects in "queue"
But in two parts upload to website, without problem.

It must be a problem inside Smart FTP, any limit of sorteringfile ?

Hi, i have tryed now adding 2525 items, also without bad luck....


Can it be that it is 4 different types of objects in the file,
so the sortering in going over some limit ?


Saved the original file.
Queue, select, = nothing to "queue"
Local browser, draw and drop, choice queue, = all object in "queue"

so it is a bug or something with first option

Hello ...

Please try to describe your problem a little bit better. For me it's impossible to understand it from your postings. Try to support it with screenshots, logs etc.

Thank you.


Sorry, my english it not good, I only read 3 year english in school.
But I try tomorrow.