Window > Auto Arrange flips pane with focus

BUG: Auto Arrange not only auto resizes but it changes the layout of the panes. It should not.

1. Set Auto Arrange > Tile Horizontally
2. Open a connection
3. Open a local browser
4. Position connection on top
5. Give focus to lower pane (local browser)
6. Resize main window
7. local browser pane now jumps to the top position

If you are used to always putting your local browser on bottom and FTP on top and drop/drop files from bottom to top to update your site then having the panes switch on you is very dangerous. This almost happened to me today. I was dragging my changes from bottom to top and wondered why my site didn't update when I realized my text editor had a dedected a change in my file, which it shouldn't have. All this led me to find out that the panes flip flop back and forth based on focus. Bug.


Bug confirmed and fixed in build 1.1.984.20

Ive also fixed the problem which reordered the mdi childs when the tile horiz and tile vertical buttons are clicked in the toolbar.
