Unable to download without LIST.

Minor bug.

(For some reason) this ftp server: ftp://links.uwaterloo.ca/ has a broken LIST command.

220 links FTP server (Version 4.1 Thu Sep 12 23:46:23 CDT 2002) ready.



550 /bin/ls: Resource temporarily unavailable

Very strangely, Squid seems to be able to generate an FTP listing for the site. Neither of the other ftp clients I have (Opera and firefux) could. Maybe it's a firewall thing..? *looks skeptive*

Anyway, that isn't the problem I'm reporting.

The point is that SmartFTP seems to insist on being able to get a directory list before downloading a file.

For example, according to Squid, ftp://links.uwaterloo.ca/pub/BragZone/C ... tulips.zip is a perfectly valid file, and Opera will allow me to download it. Smartftp, however, won't.


    SmartFTP v1.1.984.17

    Resolving host name links.uwaterloo.ca...

    Connecting to (links.uwaterloo.ca) ->  IP: PORT: 21

    Connected to (links.uwaterloo.ca) -> Time = 94ms

    Socket connected waiting for login sequence.

220 links FTP server (Version 4.1 Thu Sep 12 23:46:23 CDT 2002) ready.

    USER anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.

    PASS (hidden)

230-Last unsuccessful login: Mon Feb 14 12:52:37 EST 2005 on ssh from

230-Last login: Wed Feb 16 09:42:35 EST 2005 on ftp from ::ffff:

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.


215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44


500 'FEAT': command not understood.

    TYPE I

200 Type set to I.

    REST 0

350 Restarting at 0 Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.


257 "/" is current directory.

    CWD /pub/BragZone/ColorSet/Tulips/tulips.zip

550 /pub/BragZone/ColorSet/Tulips/tulips.zip: Not a directory

    CWD /pub/BragZone/ColorSet/Tulips

250 CWD command successful.


257 "/pub/BragZone/ColorSet/Tulips" is current directory.


227 Entering Passive Mode (129,97,140,167,222,57)

    Opening data connection IP: PORT: 56889.

    LIST -aL

550 /bin/ls: Resource temporarily unavailable

Similar without passive mode.

Hello ..

I can offer you a temporary solution for it:
- Copy the whole URL including a valid usename/password of the file to the clipboard.
e.g. ftp://anonymous:test@links.uwaterloo.ca ... tulips.zip
- In SmartFTP, go to the Queue Source tab. Right-click and select "Paste" from the context menu.
- Drag&Drop the new item in the Queue Source to the Destination (e.g. local folder)

- You can directly paste the URL in the clipboard to the Global Queue as well.

The download wont work because the server doesnt support the SIZE ftp command.


Okay, nice.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Hello ..

The latest developer build 1.1 984 is now able to download a file from an URL through the global queue.

- Copy the URL into the clipboard
- In the Global Queue tab, right click on the window and select "Paste"
=> The item is added to the queue.

Today when I tesed with the URL you posted, the SIZE command worked fine and the download was successful.

Please let me know if there are any problems or if you have any suggestion how we can improve it.
