Favorites crash bug

is there a way to get this fixed everytime i update I lose all my favorites because I have to delete the favorites.dat to make it not crash. The reason i have them in favorites is so that I dont lose them :

Hello ...

If your favorites.dat gets corrupted, SmartFTP may crash or show unexpected behavior. The reason the favorites.dat gets corrupted is the same as with any other file. e.g. if your computer crashs while SmartFTP is writing the file.

Downgrading SmartFTP may also cause a crash because the older builds aren't able to read newer favorite file formats.

the last thing i did was update I saw others had the same problem with updating. Could you perhaps put favorites in clear text so I can salvage whatever may be left ? or maybe it can create backup before it edits the primary file. If security is an issue about using text in the files maybe you can toggle how it writes files based on the usage of "hide passwords" checkbox. I dont have a need for them to be encrypted.

thanks for the help

Use the SmaftFTP Backup Manager which comes with SmarFTP to backup your favourites and all your settings. You can also go to the favorite's editor within SmartFTP an export your favorites as plain text.

cool thanks for the tip never new that was there