Speed limit is ignored.

I have been using Smartftp for almost a year now. I have really liked it, until a week or so ago. Then all of a sudden smartftp will not enforce the speed limit. Via the global queue. Whatever I set it to, smartftp grabs all the bandwidth it can.

I have re-installed. I have the latest version.

I am not at home, so i cant copy my system info (from within smartftp). I can do this later if needed.

I have looked around the options, but couldnt find anything. If this is a option I have missed, please point it out to me.

Thank you.

Hello ...

You have to set the speed limit in the Favorite Item Setittngs under Transfer->Queue.


Hi all,

I am using Smart since years at home ...

I dont understand why you decided to change the way the global queue speed limits work ! Why do I need to edit favorites properties to set speed limit ?? I just want to set the limit for the actual global queue contents, like before ! And what if my current download is not linked to any favorite ?!

Please roll back to the old method !
Let SmartFTP stay the best FTP client ! :wink:

Thank you very very much for your work (and please continue to make the free home/educ license).

You still are able to set a global speed limit by choosing "Use Global Setting" in the favorite's "Speed Limit" menu.


1) I dont use favorites
2) "Global Settings --> Transfer --> Speed Limits" are respected
3) "Global Queue --> KBps/Thread" are not ! It has always worked before ... :cry:

Thanx again.

[SmartFTP v1.0.982.17]

blemish wrote:Hi all,

I am using Smart since years at home ...

I dont understand why you decided to change the way the global queue speed limits work ! Why do I need to edit favorites properties to set speed limit ?? I just want to set the limit for the actual global queue contents, like before ! And what if my current download is not linked to any favorite ?!

Please roll back to the old method !
Let SmartFTP stay the best FTP client ! :wink:

Thank you very very much for your work (and please continue to make the free home/educ license).

Yeah i completely agree! I'm also an old user of SmartFTP and it had always been great... so why change something always worked good? It was very handle to change the globalque thread speed limit with just a clik instead of have to change it in settings --> transfer --> speed limit... geeeez... cause sometimes you could have more free bandwidth, some other less and you could need to switch speed continuolsy...
So please try to fix it like old mothed

There is no bug in SmartFTP. If there is a problem its with your settings. Do not limit the speed in the favorite item settings then the global queue speed settings apply.

Again and again : I dont use any favorite ... So I have nothing to do with favorite items settings ...

Again :

- "Global Settings --> Transfer --> Speed Limits" are respected
- "Global Queue --> KBps/Thread" are not !

I'm afraid there is definitely a bug in the last release ....

Thank you.

Assuming you have set the Global Settings-> Transfer -> Speed Limits to 0 = "Unlimited" the Global Queue -> KB/s / Thread limit is respected.

The Global Settings-> Transfer -> Speed Limits overwrite the speed limit in the queue though.

Even if you are not connecting "though" the favorites, if a favorite item in the favorites is found with the same host,port,protocol,username,password combination, the favorite settings are used.


Ok I deleted *all* the favorites.

The four combos in "Global Settings-> Transfer -> Speed Limits" = 0

Whenever I set up a speed limit in the "Global Queue -> KBs/Thread", it's not respected ... (

The problem occurs since I updated from 1.0.981.? to 1.0.982.17

Thank you for your help

Please update to the latest developer build. Its the build I did the tests with.


Same problem with this release (1.0.982.26) ...

Maybe some old registry keys cause the problem ?
However I completely desinstalled 1.0.981 and deleted "C:Documents and SettingsxxxApplication DataSmartFTP" folder before installing 1.0.982 ...

Please test the new developer build .27

There was a probem if the queue item had a favorite id associated but the favorite item didn't exist anymore. In this case the global speed settings were used instead of the global queue settings.


I'm afraid the problem still occurs ...

controls.dll : 1.6.982.27
ftpapi.dll : 2.0.982.27
language.dll : 1.0.982.27
reseng.dll : 1.3.982.27
smarthook.dll :

Do you test with new queue items added to the global queue or with an existing queue file?

Oh next try. Developer Build .28.


Ok it now works like before !

NB: all tests today were made with an existing queue

Thank you very much for your help !!

YESSS! I've tried it just now and it works perfect as in .981!!
Thank you very much for fixing it! ... and for your job too