I have been using Smartftp for almost a year now. I have really liked it, until a week or so ago. Then all of a sudden smartftp will not enforce the speed limit. Via the global queue. Whatever I set it to, smartftp grabs all the bandwidth it can.
I have re-installed. I have the latest version.
I am not at home, so i cant copy my system info (from within smartftp). I can do this later if needed.
I have looked around the options, but couldnt find anything. If this is a option I have missed, please point it out to me.
Thank you.
I have re-installed. I have the latest version.
I am not at home, so i cant copy my system info (from within smartftp). I can do this later if needed.
I have looked around the options, but couldnt find anything. If this is a option I have missed, please point it out to me.
Thank you.