I've tried your FTP client, but found out some error, caused problably by combination of FTP client and FTP server.
When transfer drops for some reason, then resume of 15 MB file works in this way:

REST 9522120
RETR myarchive.003

next file is transferred in this way:

RETR myarchive.004

but due combination of client and server, transfer of myarchive.004 starts as it was REST, ie. the final file size is not 15.000.000 B, but 5477880 B (15.000.000 - 9.522.120)
and all the next files are that wrong size ...
the solution on FTP client side is to call FTP command which resets the REST position ...
but in your client there is no option to set command executed before REST or RETR command
some FTP clients for example CuteFTP can handle mentioned problem ...
system info:
+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version : 1.0.981.37
Time Stamp : 2004-03-15 11:56:43

+- Application DLL --------------------

controls.dll : 1.6.981.37
ftpapi.dll : 2.0.981.37
language.dll : 1.0.981.37
reseng.dll : 1.3.981.37
smarthook.dll :

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock : 2.2

Hello ...

The problem is with the server. The internal REST status should be reset to 0 after each transfer. Please contact the vendor of the server software.

Thank you

I'm looking for client-side solution, because there is no way how to make someone to change his server software when there is at least one client-SW (CuteFTP) which sends REST 0 before transferring any file.