Steps to recreate:
- Log into an FTP server.
- Navigate to a folder which has not before been cached. SmartFTP loads the folder listing from the server.
- Delete a file from within that folder. SmartFTP deletes the file and graphically refreshes the folder view, but does not reload the folder listing from the server. This is acceptable and desired.
- Right-click on the folder you are viewing in the folder tree and choose Download Direct. SmartFTP refreshes the folder view, this time printing the message "Cached directory reloaded." The file you had deleted has reappeared in the folder view.
- SmartFTP will successfully download files in the folder, one after another, until it reaches the file that was deleted. When it gets a 550 error trying to download that file, it will abort the rest of the folder download.
- It seems that the deleted file was not removed from the cached directory listing.