Auto port mode

am i wrong or the auto ip in port mode stopped working in the latest builds?
i had to switch back to .978 to make it work


Seems to be broken, works if you are behind a UPNP router setup.
Because it uses the " GetExternalIPAddress" function.

But will not work if on a non UPNP router setup.
Which uses the "IP Repeater" function.

Thanks for bug-report.

It's now fixed, please grab the latest dev. build.

mmmmmmmh... no go
still no 'connecting to repeater', only the private ip

SmartFTP Developer build 1.0.979.0 14.09.2003 14:04:32

It's working here.

Here too

[15:18:32] 200 Type set to A.
[15:18:32] Connecting IP Repeater "" ...
[15:18:32] IP Repeater returned: ""
[15:18:32] PORT 217,127,xxx,xxx,12,43
[15:18:33] 200 PORT command successful.
[15:18:33] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 3115.

The IP Repeater is only connected when you make a connection to a host server on a non default port (not equal to 21) or on a SSL/TLS connection and if the host IP is not in the private range.


i made it work only putting in 'manual' my no-ip and using manual in favorites
don't know why it doesn't work


Thanks for your answer. But it doesnt help much to confirm whether the problem has been fixed or not.


wel, the quick answer is 'no', sorry
put port mode and auto in general settings, moved the favorite to use general settings and it came up with local ip at port
this is my version
+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 

Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed         : 1467 MHz

Total Memory      : 523764 KB

Free Memory       : 216020 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version           : 1.0.979.0

Time Stamp        : 2003-09-08 16:55:26

+- Application DLL --------------------

controls.dll      : 1.6.979.0

ftpapi.dll        : 2.0.979.0

language.dll      : 1.0.979.0

reseng.dll        : 1.3.979.0

smarthook.dll     :

+- System DLL -------------------------

shell32.dll       : 6.00.2800.1233 (xpsp2.030604-1804)

shlwapi.dll       : 6.00.2800.1226

comctl32.dll      : 6.0 (xpsp1.020828-1920)

riched20.dll      :

schannel.dll      : 5.1.2600.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)

+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version           : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock           : 2.2

It's fixed.

Thread closed.
