IPv6 preference for Favorites sites

1) SmartFTP always connects to FTP site in IPv6 if it's in Favorites, although the FTP site has an AAAA record in addition to its A, and IPv6 is configured as preferred.

2) Suggestion of addition to your "Public IPv6 FTP Servers": ftp.club-internet.fr (open public mirror for many softwares and linux distribs).

Hello Symbol ..

Could you please explain your first point a little bit more? And example would help too.


In fact, the problem is that when SmartFTP is upgraded, the option "preferred protocol" in the existing Favorites is created as "IPv4" instead of "Use Global Settings", even if everything else in the Connection option page of the favorite is "Use Global Settings".
So an existing favorite will connect in ipv4 even if the connection is possible in ipv6.

If this is the only problem it has been fixed and will be available in the next developer build.

Thanks for reporting.

OK it's cool

Issue resolved in the 978.6 developer build.

